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词汇 diffused
例句 The sunlight is soft and diffused.阳光柔和而曚昽。Printing presses have diffused information throughout the world.印刷机使信息得以在世界范围内传播。He so diffused his talents that he never became a real success in anything.他的才华分散过甚,以至于什么事情都不能真正做成。The drop of red dye diffused slowly in the water.那滴红色染料在水中慢慢扩散开来。Over time, the technology is diffused and adopted by other countries.久而久之,这项技术传播到了其他国家并得到利用。The poison gradually diffused through his system.毒药渐渐扩散到他的全身。The sun slid behind trees, its last light diffused by wintry branches.太阳躲到了树后,余晖透过冬日的树枝洒落下来。As agriculture developed, agricultural ideas diffused across Europe.随着农业的发展,农业知识开始在欧洲普及。Their ideas diffused quickly across Europe.他们的观点很快在欧洲传播开来。It created a glowing centre of warmth that quickly diffused through my limbs.它形成了一个温暖的热源,热量迅速扩散至我的四肢。A rosy glow diffused across the clouds.一道玫瑰红的光线透过云层洒落下来。Power has been diffused to subcommittees.权力已分散至小组委员会。Their culture gradually diffused westward.他们的文化逐渐向西传播。The colours of the sunset were diffused across the sky.日落时分的霞光布满天空。The heat was diffused throughout the room.热气扩散到了整个房间。




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