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She told her friends at work that she was trying to lose weight.她告诉她上班的朋友们她正在努力减肥。They're not allowed to smoke at work, so they all light up as soon as they leave.他们上班时间不许抽烟,所以一下班就都点上烟了。Women are no longer dominated by men at work.在工作上,女性不再受制于男性。We can't let the management downgrade the importance of safety at work.我们决不能允许管理层轻视安全生产问题。Several favourable factors have been at work in the past year.过去一年中有几种有利因素一直在起作用。We plan to have frequent training sessions on safety at work.我们计划就工作安全举办经常性的培训课。Joe arrived at work unshaven and unkempt.乔不修边幅地来上班。The report suggested that the same trend was at work in politics.这份报告表明,同一趋势也在影响着政治。The atmosphere at work at the moment is almost unbearable.目前的工作氛围真令人难以忍受。How come you're not at work today?你今天怎么没上班?His sexual orientation has never been a problem for him at work.他的性取向对他的工作从来都不是问题。The civil war reinforced the centrifugal tendencies at work within the economy.内战加剧了经济领域的离心倾向。Iwould imagine she's at work.我想她可能在上班。She is presently at work on a new novel.她现在正忙着写一部新小说。The long hours at work have put/placed a strain on me.长时间工作使我产生了焦虑情绪。Sorry I'm late – I was held up at work.对不起我来晚了,我给工作耽搁了。Sometimes my mother visits me at work, although I have given her strict instructions not to do so.有时候我母亲会在我上班时来看我,尽管我已经严肃地告诉过她别这么做。A debt collector visited him at work insisting he pay up for a gambling debt.一个收债者在他上班时造访了他,坚持要他偿还赌债。She felt that a higher power was at work.她感到有种更大的力量在掌控局面。Stress at work was pinpointed as the cause of his illness.工作压力被确定为他生病的原因。Many disabled people suffer discrimination at work.许多残疾人在工作中遭到歧视。She put in a long day at work.她在工作中度过了漫长的一天。John seems to breeze effortlessly through his many commitments at work.约翰似乎不费吹灰之力就完成了很多工作任务。He seems to be under relentless pressure at work.他好像是在持续的压力下工作。She dresses conservatively at work, but on the weekends, anything goes. 上班时她穿着很保守,但到了周末,她穿着就很随便了。There were a number of influences at work in Wright's architecture.赖特的建筑受到多种影响。Many people have to cope with very high levels of stress at work.许多人必须要应付极大的工作压力。He had an accident at work and cut his finger.他上班时出了事故,割破了手指。I had a pig of a day at work. 我一整天工作都不顺心。His main problem was the extremely smoky atmosphere at work.他面临的主要问题就是:工作场所总是烟雾弥漫。You don't know what forces are at work behind the scenes.你不知道幕后是什么势力在起作用。The salvage teams are already hard at work trying to deal with the spilled oil.救援队已经在紧张地设法处理溢出的石油。My friends would joke about the uniform I had to wear at work.朋友们总是拿我上班时不得不穿的那件制服开玩笑。I've had a horrible day at work.今天的工作令我很不愉快。We're not allowed to make personal phone calls at work.我们不可以在工作时间打私人电话。My first day at work was a trial by fire.我上班的第一天犹如经历了一场烈火考验。It helps them to unwind after a busy day at work.这有助于他们在工作忙碌一天之后放松自己。Jamie's had a shitty week at work.杰米这一星期工作上真是倒霉透了。We've got so much on at work I couldn't possibly go on holiday now.我们的工作很忙,所以我现在不可能去度假。I've been getting a lot of aggravation at work recently.最近我工作上有很多不顺心的事儿。 |