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词汇 dictator
例句 For years they lived under the shadow of a dictator. 多年来他们一直生活在这个独裁者的黑暗统治之下。The dictator ruled with violence.独裁者实施暴政。A palace coup led by General Rodríguez has toppled the dictator.罗德里格斯将军领导的宫廷政变推翻了独裁者。That Megan is a little dictator. All the other girls do exactly what she wants.那位梅甘是个小独裁者,其他所有女孩都要按她的想法做。The news reported the ouster of the dictator.新闻报道了独裁者被赶下台的消息。He became dictator after a coup.他在一场政变后成为了独裁者。The dictator enriched himself but impoverished his people.独裁者敛财暴富,而使他的人民一贫如洗。The dictator butchered dissidents.那个独裁者大肆屠杀持异议的人。The dictator surrendered power to Parliament.独裁者把权力交给了议会。He is practically a dictator.他实际上是个独裁者。The writer draws unflattering comparisons between the mayor and a dictator.作者坦言,那位市长堪比独裁者。He's a cross between a dictator and a saint.他集独裁者和圣人于一体。The former dictator is under house arrest in his country mansion.下台的独裁者被软禁在他的乡间府邸里。The whole country exploded in jubilation at the overthrow of the dictator.推翻了独裁者之后,举国欢腾。In arming the dictator, the US was creating a Frankenstein.美国向那个独裁者提供武装支持,这是在造就一个弗兰肯斯坦,将威胁到美国自己。The nation groaned under the dictator's rule.那个国家在独裁者统治下受尽苦难。For years now, the people have been oppressed by a ruthless dictator.多年来,人们一直处于残暴的独裁者的压迫之下。He had been a dictator and a warlord who had oppressed and degraded the people of the South.他既是独裁者也是军阀,对南方人实行压迫和侮辱。He's a dictator surrounded by sycophants, frightened to tell him what he may not like.他是个独裁者,身边都是不敢谏言的佞臣。They plotted to kill the dictator.他们密谋刺杀那位独裁者。In the final analysis Stalin was just as much a dictator as Hitler.归根结底,他和希特勒一样是个独裁者。The country has long been oppressed by a ruthless dictator.这个国家长期以来一直处于残酷独裁者的压迫之下。The dictator's grip on the country has not loosened.独裁者没有放松其对全国的控制。The manager claims that the work force are happy, though many accuse him of being a dictator.经理声称工人们很满意,可是很多人都指责他独断专行。This dictator sent his apostates into exile.这位独裁者将脱党者放逐。He was an evil dictator who was universally hated.他是个人人都仇恨的邪恶独裁者。We felt quite impotent to resist the will of the dictator.要抗拒独裁者的意志,我们觉得无能为力。The dictator banished anyone who opposed him.这位独裁者把所有反对他的人都驱逐出境了。The rebels ousted the dictator from power.反抗者把独裁者赶下了台。The people had suffered at the hands of a cruel dictator.在残暴独裁者的统治下,百姓生活困苦。The dictator is charged with crimes against humanity.独裁者可能会受到反人类罪的指控。The dictator seized power and began a reign of terror.独裁者夺取了权力,开始了恐怖统治时期。They attempted the life of the dictator.他们试图杀死这个独裁者。The rebels tried to topple the dictator.反叛者试图推翻那个独裁者。He's a two-bit little dictator.他是个微不足道的小独裁者。The country is ruled by an absolute dictator/monarch.统治那个国家的是一个拥有绝对权力的独裁者/君主。The people regained power from the grasp of the dictator.人民从独裁者手中夺回了权力。The cashiered dictator and his cohorts have all written their memoirs.被革职的执政官和他的同谋者已经写了他们的实录。Supporters of the ousted dictator have been rounded up and jailed.支持已被罢黜的独裁者的人被逮起来投进了监狱。They sell guns to every tinpot dictator that wants them.他们把枪支卖给任何需要它们的无能独裁者。




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