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词汇 在战场上
例句 The new tank has yet to be tested in the field.这种新型坦克还有待在战场上经受考验。The troops fanned out across the fields.部队在战场上成扇形散开。A general commanding American troops on the battlefield found himself overruled by politicians back in Washington.在战场上指挥美国部队的一位将军发现自己的意见被华盛顿的政客们否决了。The general received his death blow in battle.将军在战场上受到了致命的一击。New guns firing high explosive shells were incorporated into the battlefield.发射高爆弹的新型大炮在战场上得到了使用。The soldiers hoped to win glory on the field of battle.士兵们希望在战场上获得荣誉。He showed valour and skill on the battlefield.在战场上表现得骁勇善战。We heard that my brother had been fatally wounded in the battle, and died two days later.我们听说我哥哥在战场上受了致命伤,两天以后就死了。He was awarded a medal for distinguished service in the field.他因在战场上的突出贡献而获得了一枚奖章。Her son died on the battlefield.她儿子死在战场上The soldier never failed to bear himself courageously on the battlefield.那个士兵在战场上总是表现得十分英勇。He showed great daring on the battlefield.在战场上表现得极其英勇。It is better to negotiate than to settle political disputes on the field of battle.谈判总比在战场上解决政治争议好。We must be ready to defeat our enemies in battle.在战场上我们必须做好准备击败敌人。Soldiers laid anti-personnel mines in the fields.士兵们在战场上布设了杀伤人员地雷。The new weapon has not yet been tried out in the field.新武器还未在战场上试用过。Two great armies met on the battlefield that day.那天两支强大的军队在战场上交战。




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