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词汇 在房子里
例句 The thieves must have deliberately triggered the alarm and hidden inside the house.盗贼肯定是故意触发了报警器,然后躲在房子里It was so hot outside we stayed in the house.外面太热,我们都待在房子里He tiptoed quietly around the house to avoid waking the children.他蹑手蹑脚地在房子里走动,以免吵醒孩子们。Police discovered a macabre scene inside the house.警方在房子里看到了令人毛骨悚然的一幕。She was mooning around the house all weekend.整个周末她都在房子里闲呆着。We found many things in the house, including some old furniture.我们在房子里找到好多东西,包括一些旧家具。I help her out sometimes around the house.我有时会在房子里帮她四处张罗一下。Rescuers found the children safe but scared inside the house.救援人员发现孩子们在房子里平安无事,但受了惊吓。Don't go wandering all over the house!不要在房子里到处转悠!The ladder is a handy size for using in the house.这架梯子在房子里用大小正合适。I don't feel at all easy about leaving them alone in the house.我一点也不放心把他们单独留在房子里The kids were running riot around the house.孩子们在房子里胡闹。The children raced helter-skelter through the house.孩子们在房子里来回乱跑。She spent the whole weekend moping around the house.她整个周末都没精打采地呆在房子里He was driving me crazy, moping around the house all day.他整天在房子里没精打采地走来走去,快把我弄疯了。This isn't just guesswork. I know someone was in the house.这可不只是猜测,我知道有人在房子里We installed a zonal heating system in the house.我们在房子里装了一套分区供暖系统。You shouldn't leave bottles of pills lying around the house.你不应把一瓶瓶药在房子里随意乱扔。Hilda loathed having them in the house.希尔达非常厌恶让它们待在房子里The time without her in the house had been blissfully peaceful.她不在房子里的时候大家过得快乐安宁。Don't leave them alone together in the house.不要让他们单独待在房子里The landlord showed me round (the house).房主带我(在房子里)四处看了看。Mice scurried around the house.老鼠在房子里蹿来蹿去。He moved round the house, going from room to room.在房子里四处走动,从一个房间到另一个房间。The children were quite unruly and ran around the house as if they owned it.孩子们很不守规矩,在房子里跑来跑去,像是在自己家里一样。I could hear a clock ticking somewhere in the house.我能听见钟在房子里某个地方嘀嗒作响。He normally hung about the house all day.他通常都是待在房子里无所事事。Molly snuck around the house.莫莉鬼鬼祟崇地在房子里转来转去。She spends her days moping around the house.她成天在房子里没精打采地瞎晃悠。He mooched about the house in his pyjamas.他穿着睡衣在房子里到处漫步。The police are moving in on the criminals hiding in the house.警察正在向躲在房子里的罪犯进逼。Unable to settle, she trailed around the house all day.她无法平静下来,一整天都在房子里无精打采地转悠。The thieves deliberately triggered the alarm and hid inside the house.这伙盗贼故意拉响了报警器,在房子里躲了起来。




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