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词汇 all day
例句 The phone hasn't stopped ringing all day.电话铃整天响个不停。She gets stiff after sitting down all day.坐了一整天,她浑身都僵了。In the older part of the city, the clang and bang of the builders goes on all day.在老城区,建筑工人的咣咣当当声每天不绝于耳。We spent virtually all day shopping.我们几乎花了一整天来购物。They've been sitting on their bums all day, doing nothing.他们一整天就那么坐着,什么事都没做。Workmen were tromping through the building all day.工人们一整天都在大楼里走来走去。She's stuck at home all day with the children.她整天与孩子们一起呆在家里。It rained all day, but we made the best of it.尽管下了一天的雨,但我们依然过得开心。I didn't so much as catch sight of him all day long.我一整天都没见他人影。He dragged out his words as if he had all day to say a sentence.他一字一吐慢吞吞地讲着,仿佛他有一整天时间来说上一个句子。A storm had been brewing all day.一场暴风雨已经酝酿一整天了。I've been standing up all day and I'm really tired.我站了一天,现在很疲倦。I haven't eaten a thing all day.我已经一整天没吃东西了。We haven't had a thing to eat all day.我们整整一天没吃东西了。I've been sneezing all day. I must be sickening for something.我整天打喷嚏,肯定是得了什么病。The old dog had no energy to go out, but kenneled all day.这只老狗无精力出去,只好整天待在狗舍里。I'll be home all day Tuesday.星期二我会整天在家。The child follows her mother about all day long.这小孩整天跟着她妈妈转。He moped about in the house all day.他整天在屋里走来走去。She has had her mother's illness on her mind all day.她整天都在为她母亲的病担忧。They toiled all day digging the trench.他们整天艰苦地挖壕沟。When I'm on holiday I lie on the beach all day.我休假时会整日躺在沙滩上。You don't put on weight when you spend all day running around after small children.你整天不歇脚地跟在小孩们后面转是胖不起来的。I spend all day cleaning up after the kids.我整天跟在孩子们后面收拾。You've been whistling that tune all day.这个曲子你吹了一天的口哨了。They served breakfast all day and sold it cheap.他们全天供应早餐而且卖得很便宜。We worked all day without refreshment.我们不吃不喝地工作了一整天。I can't spend all day jawing with you.我不能整天和你唠叨。This problem has been preying on my mind all day.这个问题整天都在折磨我。It gets boring just being at home all day.一整天都呆在家里很无聊。The two women jawed together all day about their children.那两位妇女唠叨了一整天有关她们孩子的事。She was hoeing in the garden all day.她整天都在园子里锄地。They shopped all day. = They spent the day shopping.他们花了一整天时间购物。Spending all day in the fresh air had given them all an appetite.整天都在新鲜的空气环境中活动使他们都食欲大增。After looking at the computer screen all day she had eyestrain and a stiff neck.盯着电脑屏幕看了一整天后,她的眼睛酸涩,脖子也感到僵硬。He spends all day lounging by the pool and living the life of Riley.他整天就是懒洋洋地躺在游泳池旁,过着悠闲安逸的生活。Jack would argue and eff all day long.杰克常会整天争论不休骂骂咧咧。You tracked dirt everywhere! Now I have to spend all day cleaning again!你弄得到处脏死了!这一来我得花一整天清理!I hate summer vacation. The kids are under my feet all day long.我不喜欢暑假,孩子们整天缠着我。I spend all day running around after the family.我一整天都跟着这家人跑来跑去。




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