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Ramona spoke with warmth when she recollected her doctor.拉莫娜回忆起她的医生时,言语中透着温情。There was a fierceness in her voice.她的声音中透着股凶气。Her eyes smoldered with anger.她的眼神中透着强忍的愤怒。She has a coldness in her eyes.她的眼中透着冷漠。The house was a surreal mixture of opulence and decay.这座房子破落中透着奢华,犹如幻梦一般。Ramona spoke with warmth when she recollected the doctor who used to be at the county hospital.拉蒙纳回忆起曾在乡村医院工作的那位医生时,言语中透着温情。Dan's voice was incredulous.丹的语气中透着怀疑。There was a taut edge to Chris's voice.克里斯的声音中透着紧张。She was surprised at the urgency in his voice.他语调中透着急迫,这让她很吃惊。There was a mildness about his manner.他的举止中透着和善。There was pure meanness in his voice.他的声音中透着十足的恶意。He spoke with a hint of menace.他的话语中透着一丝威胁。 |