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词汇 desk
例句 I wouldn't last a month in a desk job. I'd just go crazy.做办公室工作我干不了一个月,我会发疯的。The desk was mutilated by deep scratches.书桌因有多道很深的刮痕而遭毁损。A young man sat slumped behind the hotel desk, showing little interest in the new arrivals.一个年轻人歪坐在旅馆的登记柜台旁边,对新来的客人没多大兴趣。He has corralled a new desk for his secretary.他为他的秘书弄到一张新的办公桌。I lost my temper and banged my book down on the desk.我大发雷霆,把书砰地往课桌上一摔。Don't look now, but that man standing by the desk is Emma's new boyfriend.这会儿别看,站在书桌旁的那个男人是埃玛的新男友。The drawers in my desk are full of old papers — it's time I had a good turnout.我的书桌抽屉里装满了废旧文书,该是彻底清理一下的时候了。She moved smartly to her desk to answer the call.她快速移到桌边接电话。I found the letter in the top drawer of his desk.我在他书桌最上面的抽屉里发现了那封信。He said he'd left the book on the desk, and sure enough, there it was.他说他把书放在桌上了,果然,书就在那儿。The woman at the desk stamped my passport.柜台旁的那位女士在我的护照上盖了印。He has a miniature of the Eiffel Tower on his desk.他的书桌上放著一座埃菲尔铁塔的模型。He keeps his desk neat.他保持书桌整洁。She cleared a space on her desk to put her computer.她在书桌上腾出个地方放电脑。The girl at the reception desk was not very forthcoming.接待处的那位小姐服务不太热心。He carefully placed the folder back in his desk drawer.他小心地把文件夹放回书桌抽屉里。I'll get a pencil from the desk.我去桌上拿支铅笔。Leaphorn put the photograph on the desk.利普霍恩把照片放在书桌上。The pen she thought she had lost was actually on her desk, right under her very nose.她原以为丢失的钢笔就在她面前的桌子上。His desk was littered with papers.他的书桌上满是乱扔的文件。We will ask for directions to the restaurant at the front desk.我们到前台去问怎么去这家饭馆。She can't stand being tethered to her desk all day. 她不能忍受整天守着书桌。Your package is up at the front desk.你的包裹在前面的前台上。A desk stood against the window.靠窗放著一张桌子。He riffled through the papers on his desk.他很快地翻阅桌上的文件。He was sitting at his desk working when we got home.我们到家时他正坐在书桌旁工作。He had not moved from his chair at the desk where he slouched, arms negligently spread over his papers.他懒洋洋地坐在桌旁没有起身,双臂摊开随意地搁在文件上。He sat there, shuffling through the papers on his desk.他坐在那里,把桌子上的文件翻来翻去。I came across an old diary in her desk.我在她的书桌里发现了一本旧日记。He thumped the desk as he rammed his point home.他在强调要点时捶了一下桌子。Over now to Simon Ingram at the sports desk.现在交给体育组的西蒙·英格拉姆。A thick, woolen rug covers the floor behind the desk.一块厚羊毛小地毯铺在写字台后面的地板上。He would rap at the desk when he had difficulty working out a math problem.他做数学题遇到困难时往往要敲书桌。I want those files on my desk asap.我要那些文件尽快拿到我桌上来。The boy was spinning around in his father's desk chair.小男孩在他爸爸的写字椅上转圈圈。He keeps the key in a cubbyhole in his desk.他把钥匙放在书桌的一个格子里。We can fit in one more desk here.我们可以在这里再放一张办公桌。I have turned my desk inside out looking for my pen.为了寻找我的钢笔我把书桌来了个兜底翻。The books were stacked in a disorderly pile on his desk.书本乱七八糟地在他书桌上堆放着。He was tied to his desk all day. 他整天都在办公桌前忙碌。




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