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例句 Poorly performing companies are more likely to be taken over.业绩不佳的公司更可能被接管。Blaming her poor grades on the teacher just doesn't wash. 把她的成绩不佳归咎于老师不能让人信服。His low level of performance is no reflection on his general ability.他的不佳表现没有反映出他的正常水平。The game was played out although the light was bad.虽然光线不佳,比赛还是坚持到底。Many people think that complaining about bad service is a waste of time.许多人都觉得抱怨服务不佳纯属浪费时间。The bad weather is responsible for the small attendance.出席率低是由于天气不佳His illness was brought on by poor feeding.他的病是饮食不佳造成的。The tunnel has an inefficient ventilation system.这个隧道的通风系统效果不佳The sales team came under the lash for poor results.销售团队因业绩不佳而受到严厉批评。Sales increased last year despite the hostile economic environment.尽管去年的经济环境不佳,销售量还是提高了。The company's bad figures sent its share price down.公司业绩不佳使它的股票价格下跌了。Tickets for the concert just aren't selling.这场音乐会的门票销路不佳Their coach must answer for the team's poor performance.他们的教练必须为该队的不佳表现负责。The match was called off because of adverse weather conditions.由于天气状况不佳,比赛被取消了。The company had poor returns last year.公司去年盈利不佳I thought the play was rather long and slow, and the jokes didn't really come over well.我觉得这部戏又长又慢,其中的笑话也效果不佳The stock market is performing well/badly.股票市场运作良好/不佳Ill health preyed upon him for years.不佳的健康状况折磨了他多年。The company is doing poorly, and its former president is being brought back to help solve its problems.公司业绩不佳,前任总裁正被召回帮助解决问题。Graham was right to condemn his players for lack of ability, attitude and application.格雷厄姆指责队员们技艺不佳、态度不端正而且不够努力,他说得没错。The team's coach was dumped after a season of losses.由于赛季战况不佳,球队教练下课了。The room was decorated in dubious taste.这房间的装潢品位不佳With no decent phone signal, communication is difficult.因为电话信号不佳,联络有困难。He overreacted to his bad grades by quitting school.他因成绩不佳而退学的做法有点过激。He seems to be off his game.他看上去比赛状态不佳I didn't exactly excel academically and I left school as soon as I had the chance.我学业不佳,所以一有机会就辍学了。The weather is bad, but we'll just have to deal with it.天气不佳,但我们只好接受了。France were still smarting from their inept performance in the World Cup.法国队仍在为他们世界杯上的不佳表现感到痛心。The prospects for an alliance between the two nations do not look good.两国结盟的前景不佳The audio portion of the broadcast was fine but the picture was poor.播放的节目声音效果很好,但图像效果不佳Many of these products were bought in preference to their own.这些产品中有很多是因为认为自己的产品不佳才购进的。If she was ill, that would account for her poor results.要是她那时病了,她成绩不佳就不足为奇了。Reading in poor light is very bad for the eyes.在光线不佳的地方看书对眼睛伤害极大。The team finds itself in the relegation zone after a run of poor results.接连赛绩不佳之后,这个队发现他们落入了降级区。He was taken to task over his poor attendance record.他因为出勤记录不佳而受到训斥。The company has lost many customers because of its bad work. Heads will roll for this.该公司由于业绩不佳失去了许多顾客,为此,将有一些雇员丢饭碗。The low test scores should serve as a loud wake-up call to teachers.不佳的测验成绩应该给老师们敲响了重重的警钟。She's been down on her luck lately. 她最近运气一直不佳Juiced fruits or vegetables are ideal for someone with a poor appetite.榨水果汁或蔬菜汁非常适合胃口不佳的人。She has a positive/negative/strong/poor self-image.她自我印象积极/消极/良好/不佳




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