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词汇 不信任
例句 The establishment distrusted them.当局不信任他们。The city's school system has been hurt by low morale and public mistrust.该市的教育体系被低沉的士气和公众的不信任所损害。Many people seem disposed to distrust salespeople.很多人似乎都倾向于不信任销售人员。Right-wing parties tabled a motion of censure against the government.右翼党派提交了不信任政府的动议。She told herself she had no reason to mistrust him.她告诉自己没有理由不信任他。He regards doctors with distrust. 他对医生不信任The deputy director is so smooth that many of his colleagues distrust him.这个副主任非常圆滑,他的很多同事都不信任他。Many movies require the viewer to engage in a willing suspension of disbelief.许多电影要求观众自觉自愿将不信任暂时撇开。Most people distrust politicians.大多数人不信任政客。The dog's experiences left him with a deep distrust for mankind.这条狗的经历使它对人类产生一种深深的不信任Mother mistrusts any man who wears his hair long.母亲不信任所有留长头发的男人。Kurt had an instinctive distrust of bureaucrats and bureaucracy.库尔特本能地不信任官僚主义者和官僚机构。I don't trust her, if you want my honest opinion.如果你想知道我的真实想法,那就是我不信任她。The king grew increasingly suspicious of his officials.国王对他的大臣们越来越不信任了。She had an ingrained mistrust of politicians.她对政客的不信任根深蒂固。We're not going to get very far if we don't trust each other.我们如果彼此不信任就不会取得很大的进展。Mr. Melchior opened his palms in disbelief.梅尔基奥尔先生不信任地推开双手。 A distrust of strangers is endemic in/to this community.这个社区普遍对陌生人不信任He was mistrustful of everyone there.他对那儿所有的人都不信任I wouldn't buy anything from him - I don't trust him.我不会从他那里买任何东西—我不信任他。They are highly sceptical of political leaders.他们对政治领导人极不信任Our reporter looks at reactions to Britain's apparently deep-rooted distrust of her EU partner.英国对其欧盟伙伴显然存在着根深蒂固的不信任,我们的记者就人们对此的反应进行了报道。He distrusted people who were too friendly too quickly.不信任那些相交时间很短态度却过于友好的人。The incident has increased workers' mistrust in the management.这起事件使得工人对资方愈加不信任His distrust of cities carries an odor of primitivism.他对城市的不信任态度带有一种原始主义的色彩。I don't trust them. I think we've been had. 不信任他们。我觉得我们上当了。Many Black people are still distrustful of the legal system.许多黑人仍然不信任法律制度。A gulf of mistrust still exists between them.他们之间依然存在着极大的不信任He distrusted his own father.不信任自己的父亲。The legislature voted narrowly to table a motion of no-confidence in the government.立法机构以微弱优势通过决议,将提出对政府的不信任动议。He doesn't trust me. With good reason.不信任我。这完全合乎情理。I tended to mistrust my emotions and intellectualize everything.我往往不信任自己的情感,事事都理性对待。Sonia stared at me with dislike and distrust.索尼娅瞪着我,满脸反感和不信任He is generally distrustful of doctors.他通常对医生是不信任的。In an unguarded moment, I said that I didn't trust Charles.一不留神,我脱口而出说我不信任查尔斯。Secrecy breeds distrust.保密会使人产生不信任She was very open about her mistrust of politicians.她公开表明她对政治人物的不信任Many people are still very mistrustful of computers.许多人仍然非常不信任电脑。The talks took place in an atmosphere of hostility and distrust.会谈在充满敌意和不信任的气氛中进行。The credibility gap is the result of a deliberate policy of artificial manipulation of official news.民众对政府的不信任是官方假造新闻政策的结果。




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