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词汇 deserved
例句 She has a deserved reputation for honesty and sincerity.她的诚实和真诚都是名符其实的。She deserved a longer jail sentence.她应该判更长的刑期。The Park Hotel has a well-deserved reputation.帕克旅馆的名声当之无愧。The problem was not treated with the seriousness it deserved.这个问题没有得到应有的重视。They got the punishment they so richly deserved.他们真是罪有应得。At last she managed to have a well-deserved rest.她终于得到了完全应得的休息。Yes, she was punished, but it was nothing to what she deserved.是的,她是受到了惩罚,但那是罪有应得,相比之下这算不了什么。Chang played better than Sampras, and he deserved to win.张德培比桑普拉斯打得好,应该胜出。His exercise books were full of well deserved red ticks.他的练习本上尽是些红钩钩,这是他应得的。He finally received the recognition that he deserved.他终于获得了应有的肯定。Custer was an idiot and a brute and he deserved his fate.卡斯特是个白痴,是个残暴的家伙,他罪有应得。He got the punishment he deserved. That'll teach him to lie to me. 他受到了应有的惩罚,那使他懂得不能对我撒谎。He was clearly guilty of foul play and deserved to be sent off.他明显犯了规,被罚下场是应该的。We were scrappy in the first half and deserved to lose.我们在上半场表现毫无章法,输了是应该的。We congratulate James on his well-deserved promotion to Chief Executive.我们祝贺詹姆斯升为行政总裁,这是他完全应得的。He worked hard and deserved his resultant successes.他辛勤工作,理所当然地取得了相应的成就。She took a well-deserved vacation to Mexico.她去墨西哥度过了一个理应享受的假期。The group are enjoying well-deserved success.这个团队为当之无愧的成功而雀跃。Grief-stricken, he felt he deserved to suffer to the end of time.他极度悲痛,觉得自己应该永远受苦。Mr Branson's victory, and all the attendant publicity, were well deserved.布兰森先生的胜利,以及随之而来的关注度,都是理所应当的。The movie deserved all the awards it received.该影片获得的所有奖项都是实至名归。It was agreed that the few students sedulous enough to read the book deserved top marks for diligence.大家同意,那些勤奋并读了这本书的学生应该因为刻苦而得最高分。The deportations horrified the world and brought upon the Nazis the odium that they so deserved.流放的做法使全世界震惊,也使纳粹遭到他们应得的憎恶。Jill was awarded first prize, and she thoroughly deserved it.吉尔获授一等奖,她完全是受之无愧。One of them said the two dead joy riders got what they deserved.他们中的一个人说这两名开偷来的车去兜风的人死得活该。The organizers can take a well-deserved bow.组织者让人佩服得五体投地。He was a bully, and in the end he got what he deserved.他喜欢恃强凌弱,结果是自作自受得了报应。One of them said the two dead joyriders got what they deserved.他们中间有一个人说:那两个开偷来的车去兜风的家伙活该去死。They deserved congratulation.他们应该得到祝贺。They played so badly they deserved to lose.他们打得这么差,输了活该。Despite the change in his disposition, his reputation for meanness proved more adhesive than he deserved.尽管他性情有了改变,吝啬的恶名却久久摆脱不了。It was a question which deserved serious consideration.这是一个值得认真考虑的问题。She was given a well-deserved promotion.她得到一次应得的升职机会。The kid, after all, was his own flesh and blood. He deserved a second chance.毕竟这个孩子是他的亲骨肉,应该给他第二次机会。The defeat was a deserved punishment but also a salutary shock.这次失败是理应受到的惩罚,但同时也有使人惊醒的积极作用。This Government deserved to lose power a year ago. It held on.这届政府一年前就该下台了。可它还在撑着。It would be an overstatement to say that she deserved to win the race.说她应该赢得这次比赛是言过其实。Larsson's goal gave Celtic a deserved victory.拉尔森的进球使凯尔特人队赢了这场应得的胜利。Their suggestions were treated with the contempt they deserved.他们的建议活该受到轻视。Your promotion is well deserved.你的晋升是当之无愧的。




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