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词汇 Korean
例句 Korean newspapers only have four pages, so stories have to be very much to the point.韩国的报纸只有四版,所以新闻报道必须非常扼要。The continuing presence of American troops on Korean soil remains a very sore point with these students.美国军队继续驻扎在韩国的土地上,这一点仍然让这些学生深感气愤。The continuing presence of American troops on Korean soil remains a very sore point with these students.美国军队继续驻扎在韩国领土上这一事实仍然让这些学生深感气愤。Keller's debut novel is about a Korean woman who was sold into prostitution during World War II.凯勒的处女作写的是一名朝鲜妇女在二战期间被卖作妓女的故事。The departure of the South Korean prime minister was marked with little fanfare.韩国首相悄无声息地离开了。The Los Angeles riots reflected the bitterness between the black and Korean communities in the city.洛杉矶的暴乱反映出这个城市的黑人社区和韩裔社区之间的仇恨。These men remember all too well the horrors of the Korean War.这些人对这场战争的恐怖景象仍历历在目。A South Korean newspaper said today the event will be smaller than in years past.一份韩国报纸今天说活动的规模不会有前些年那么大。The Korean team was not up to strength for the final.韩国队决赛时人员不齐。The President met with top Korean businessmen.总统会见了一批韩国商界要人。The Korean cherry flowers give rise to little fruits like cherries.韩国的樱桃花结出类似樱桃的小果子。Korean and other minority languages朝鲜语和其他少数民族语言Prices for Korean art have gone through the roof.韩国艺术品的价格飞涨。My grandfather fought in the Korean War.我爷爷参加过朝鲜战争。Taekwondo has roots in ancient Korean martial arts.跆拳道源于韩国古代武术。He lost his world crown to the Korean champion.他输给了那名韩国冠军,丢掉了世界冠军的桂冠。The Korean team secured two qualifying spots for the Olympic Games.朝鲜队获得了奥林匹克运动会的两个参赛资格。A Korean airliner was hijacked by two passengers and forced to fly to Tashkent.一架韩国的大型客机被两名乘客劫持,被迫飞往塔什干。A Moroccan fishing vessel and a South Korean cargo ship collided in rough seas.一艘摩洛哥渔船与一艘韩国货船在波涛汹涌的大海上相撞了。The Korean ship was apparently undamaged.那艘韩国船似乎未受损。The Barbarians were beaten in the quarter-finals by the Korean side.野蛮人队在四分之一决赛中被韩国队击败。He had no sooner got his wings than the Korean conflict broke out.他刚获得飞行资格,朝鲜战争就爆发了。Ten years ago, you could count the Korean restaurants in this city on the fingers of one hand.十年前这个城市里的韩国餐馆少得可怜。The restaurant serves Korean food adapted for the American palate.这家餐馆提供符合美国人口味的韩国菜。Russia has recently sold timber concessions to Japanese and Korean companies.俄罗斯最近把木材特许经营权卖给了日本和韩国的公司。




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