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词汇 黑色的
例句 From somewhere, he had unearthed a black silk suit.他不知从什么地方翻出了一套黑色的丝绸衣服。The insect's body is black with yellow longitudinal stripes.这种昆虫的身体是黑色的,带有黄色的纵向条纹。Then he caught sight of her black velvet hat in the crowd.接着,他在人群中瞥见了她那顶黑色的天鹅绒帽子。She looked pretty and rather fragile, dressed in black velvet.她穿着黑色的天鹅绒礼服,看上去娇小美丽。She wore black tracksuit bottoms.她身着黑色的运动裤。He had dark brown hair, dark skin, and dark eyes.他长着深棕色头发,黝黑的皮肤,一对黑色的眼睛。She wore a black dress, very much pinched in round the waist.她穿一件黑色的衣服,腰间收得紧紧的。Police recovered both items, and impounded a black BMW from the murder scene.警方寻回了那两件物品,并在凶案现场扣押了一辆黑色的宝马汽车。Draw your child's outline with a heavy black marker.用浓黑色的毡笔画出你孩子的轮廓。The black mud fettered her movements.黑色的烂泥中她举步维艰。Some minerals, Pough explained to my mystification, are not truly black but only look so.看我迷惑不解,珀夫解释说一些矿物质并非真的是黑色,只是看起来是黑色的Sabrina is arrayed in a black mini and tights.萨布丽娜穿着黑色的超短裙和连裤袜。They fixed their gaze on the dark line of the coast ahead.他们注视着前方黑色的海岸线。She was wearing a blue silk top and black pants.她穿着蓝色真丝上衣和黑色的裤子。A black Mercedes screeched to a halt beside the helicopter.一辆黑色的梅赛德斯轿车在直升机旁嘎的一声刹住了。I was going to be fashionable and wear black. The thing is, I don't like black.我本来想赶时髦穿黑色的衣服。问题是,我不喜欢黑色。The house is gray with black trim. 这栋房子是灰色的,门框、窗框等部分是黑色的She was wearing black.她过去习惯穿黑色的衣服。She had large eyes that were darkly outlined in black.她有一双大眼睛,描着黑色的眼线。Can I exchange this sweater for a black one?我可以把这件毛衣换成黑色的吗?I swapped my cap for a large black waterproof hat.我摘下便帽,换上一顶黑色的大防水帽。That was a black day in our country's history.那是我国历史上一个黑色的日子。The dramatic effect was heightened by her black dress and dead white face.黑色的裙子和煞白的脸加强了戏剧效果。Black cabs run on diesel.黑色的出租车使用柴油。The eagle was black against the morning sky.在清晨天空的映衬下,这只鹰看起来是黑色的They were dressed in mourning black.他们穿着黑色的丧服。Amalie was dressed completely in black, right down to black lipstick and a black earring.阿马莉一身黑色打扮,就连口红和耳坠也是黑色的Should I wear the red dress or the black one?我应该穿红色的礼服还是黑色的礼服?He had painted the floors with some kind of black gunge.他用一些黑色的黏性物质漆地板。She was wearing black high-heeled shoes that matched her skirt and jacket.她穿着黑色的高跟鞋,跟她的裙子和外套很相配。The black mud fettered her movements.黑色的稀泥限制了她的行动。Over her shoulder, the stars twinkled in the black sky.她的头顶上,黑色的夜空繁星闪烁。I used to go about in a black cape.我从前常穿一件黑色的斗篷。Her large dark eyes were almost luminous.她那双黑色的大眼睛熠熠生辉。The black lettering really stands out on that orange background.黑色的字体在橙色的背景下非常醒目。The black wimple enhanced the whiteness of her skin.黑色的包头巾使她的皮肤显得更加白皙。Mrs King went to the big black stove and ladled out steaming soup.金太太走到黑色的大炉子前,舀出热气腾腾的汤来。A black kerchief modestly veiled her hair.一条黑色的头巾庄重地裹住她的头发。I'd like the same sweater, only in black.我喜欢跟这件一样的毛衣,不过是黑色的Draw your child's outline with a heavy black marker or crayon.用浓黑色的记号笔或蜡笔画出你孩子的轮廓。




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