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词汇 seal
例句 The paperwork must have a notary's seal.书面材料必须盖上公证员的印章。The culling of seal cubs has led to an outcry from environmental groups.屠杀小海豹的做法已经引起环保组织的强烈抗议。I ought to seal the boxes up. I don't want the books falling out.我应该把盒子封起来。我不想让书掉出来。Authorities plan to seal the border.当局计划要封锁边境。The doctors have given this new drug their seal of approval.医生们已批准这一新药上市。The layer of fat on the baby seal's body is essential to its survival.幼海豹身上的脂肪层是其生存必不可少的。Fans have given the band's new song their seal of approval. 这个乐队的新歌得到了歌迷们的肯定。He smiled, winked and nodded, giving his seal of approval.他笑了,使了个眼色,然后点点头表示同意。An oil seal was replaced, along with both front wheel bearings.换了一个油封和两个前轮轴承。Her vow was the seal that kept her silent.她的誓言迫使她守口如瓶。The soldiers were deployed to help paramilitary police seal the border.部署士兵协助准军事警察封锁边境。Do you think I ought to seal the boxes up?.你认为我应该把这些盒子封起来吗?Such a visit may set the seal on a new relationship between the two governments.这样的一次访问可能会使两国政府间确立新关系。He had also a seal ring, a veritable antique intaglio.他还有一只印章戒指,是一块刻有阴文的真正古宝石。The bill has the President's seal of approval.提案得到了总统的批准。He broke the seal and opened the envelope.他撕下封条,拆开了信封。The experience set the seal on their friendship.这一经历确定了他们的友谊。The border would be very difficult to seal hermetically.要严密封锁边界十分困难。Fry the meat quickly in hot oil to seal in the flavour/juices.把肉在热油中迅速过一下,以保持它的原汁原味。Because the transcript is still under seal, I am precluded by law from discussing the evidence.副本仍未公开,按照法律规定我不能讨论这项证据。To seal the pie, wet the edges of the pastry and press them together.捏合馅饼时,要弄湿饼的边缘然后压在一起。Fry the meat first to seal in the juices.先把肉煎一煎锁住汁。The priest is bound by the seal of the confessional.神父受告解保密原则的约束。Would you seal this envelope?麻烦你封上信封好吗?His Olympic gold medal set a lustrous seal on his sporting career.奥运会金牌成为他的运动生涯中的光辉印章。Crimp the edges to seal them tightly.把边缘折起来以便封紧。This would permit air to enter, breaking the hermetic seal of the jar.这会造成漏气,破坏罐子的密封性。This afternoon's debate is likely to seal the fate of the imprisoned aid workers.今天下午的辩论很可能将决定被囚禁的援助人员的命运。The meeting set the seal on the negotiations.会议使谈判有了结果。We shook hands to seal the deal.我们握手表示交易成功。If you seal the jars well, the jam will keep for months or even years.瓶子如果密封得好,果酱可以保存几个月甚至几年。Do you know how much a seal coat is?你知道海豹皮大衣多少钱一件? The goal set the seal on their victory. 这一进球使他们锁定了胜局。Gulls often feed on the remains of seal kills.海鸥经常吃剩下的海豹尸体。Soldiers there are going to seal the airport off.那里的士兵将封锁机场。The plastic seal on the bottle was broken.瓶子上的塑料封口已经拆开了。Finding her offspring among thousands of lookalikes never panics a mother seal.在几千只十分相似的小海豹中找到自己的幼崽决难不倒母海豹。Use a knife to break the seal.用刀拆开封条。We were about to close/seal the deal when we realized that there was a mistake in the contract.我们正要达成协议/签订合同时发现合同中有个错误。The call for a boycott could be enough to seal the fate of next week's general election.抵制选举的呼吁足以注定下周大选失败的命运。




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