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词汇 seam
例句 The average U.K. coal seam is one metre thick.英国煤层的平均厚度为一米。His pants tore at the seam.他的裤子在接缝处裂开了口。They're still mining a rich seam of high-grade coal.他们仍在开采富含优质煤的矿层。It drives a hole into the coal seam using a hydraulic bit.它用水力钻头在煤层上钻洞。She sewed the seam with small neat stitches.她用细小规整的针脚缝好了缝口。You must sew more evenly,your seam is all bumpy.你一定要缝得更平直些,你的线缝都是歪歪斜斜的。She was repairing Billy's trousers, where the seam had come undone.她在补比利的裤子,线缝松开了。The book is a rich seam of information about the history of baseball.这本书是一座丰富的棒球历史资料宝库。The seam of her tunic was split from armpit to hem.她的无袖衫线缝从腋窝到褶边开线了。An old wallpaper seam roller is ideal for pressing it in place.要把它压入位,一把旧的墙纸压缝滚刷是理想工具。Polidori, the right-wing politician, is mining a rich seam of fear and prejudice.右翼政客帕里德瑞正在利用人们的强烈恐惧和偏见。The seam at the back of your skirt has split.你裙子后面的缝口开了。There is a seam of satire in his tone.他语调里有一丝讽刺的意味。The Real Madrid has now got a rich seam of experienced players.皇家马德里队现在拥有一批经验丰富的大牌球星。Stuff the pillow and then sew up the final seam.把垫子塞满,然后把最后一道缝缝上。The tailor stitched the split seam in seconds.裁缝一会儿工夫就把破缝缝好了。Only an agreed number of men was allowed to work any given seam at any given time.只有少数得到批准的人可以在特定时间开采特定的矿层。When she started writing novels, she found her time as a judge was a rich seam for her to mine.她开始创作小说时,发现她做法官的日子有丰富的素材可以挖掘。




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