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词汇 黑猩猩
例句 Humans share a common ancestry with chimpanzees.人类与黑猩猩拥有共同的祖先。The team spent months observing the chimps.小队花了数月来观察黑猩猩Chimpanzees are excellent climbers and spend a lot of their lives in trees.黑猩猩是攀爬高手,大多数时间都生活在树上。We have to decide whether chimpanzees ever behave with insight.我们必须判定,黑猩猩的行为究竟是否出于悟性。Chimps are able to manipulate objects with a high degree of precision.黑猩猩能够非常准确地操控物品。Chimpanzees and gorillas are both apes.黑猩猩和大猩猩都是类人猿。Low-ranking male chimpanzees eat with the dominant females, who show no aggresssion towards them.地位低的雄性黑猩猩与地位占优势的雌性黑猩猩一起进食,后者没有表现出攻击性。We were amused at the antics of the chimps.我们被黑猩猩的滑稽动作逗乐了。Its brain is closely comparable to the brain of a chimpanzee.它的大脑与黑猩猩的大脑非常类似。Most tellingly, perhaps, chimpanzees do not draw as much information from the world around them as we do.也许,最能说明问题的是黑猩猩从周围的世界获取的信息没有我们多。Humans can easily identify with the emotional expressions of chimpanzees.人类很容易对黑猩猩的情感表达产生共鸣。To avoid competition, breeding/mating pairs stay away from other male chimpanzees.为了避免竞争,生育/交配的成对黑猩猩会躲开其他雄性猩猩。Gorillas, chimpanzees, and gibbons are all anthropoid apes, having long arms, no tails, and highly developed brains.大猩猩、黑猩猩和长臂猿都是类人猿,都有着很长的前肢、高度发达的大脑,且没有尾巴。Chimpanzees are more closely related to people than to gorillas or monkeys.黑猩猩与人类的关系比与大猩猩或其他灵长目动物的关系更近。




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