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词汇 perceived
例句 I perceived a man enter the house.我看到一个人走进这间房子。The remedy for the problem was only dimly perceived by scientists until recently.直到最近科学家们才隐约意识到解决该问题的办法。She wasn't at all the mindless little wife so many people perceived her to be.她绝对不是许多人认为的那种愚蠢的小媳妇。The detective perceived a change in the suspect's attitude.侦探察觉到嫌犯态度的转变。America is perceived of as being less class-conscious than Britain.人们认为美国社会等级意识没有英国强烈。Thousands of perceived enemies of the State were imprisoned.数以千计被认为是国家公敌的人遭到囚禁。Bill perceived a tiny figure in the distance.比尔注意到远处有个很小的身影。The country took preemptive action against the perceived enemy.国家对暴露行踪的敌人采取了先发制人的行动。Elliott was tormented by his own perceived inadequacies.埃利奥特因为发现自己的不足而痛苦万分。The junta reacted violently to the perceived threat to its authority.军政府感到自身权力受到威胁,进行了激烈反击。He is perceived as a religious man.众人认为他是个虔诚的教徒。She perceived herself as an independent woman. = She perceived herself to be an independent woman.她认为自己是一个独立自主的女人。The perceived risk is far greater than reality.感受到的风险远比现实中的大。She is perceived as vain, spoilt and promiscuous.她被认为是个被惯坏了的、既虚荣又淫乱的女人。The leadership was concerned at the perceived failure to find a solution,领导担心有可能找不到解决方案。It is widely perceived as a women's health problem, but it does also affect men.这被广泛看作是女性健康问题,但实际上也影响男性。He gradually perceived that his parents had been right.他渐渐地了解到他的父母是对的。These movies were not only making money; they were also perceived to be original.这些电影不仅赚钱,而且被视为具有原创性。The event was perceived as no more than an empty gesture.人们认为这个活动不过是装装样子,毫无实际内容。Stress is widely perceived as contributing to coronary heart disease.压力被广泛认为是导致冠心病的一个因素。The diners perceived a faint aroma of dill.用膳的人们闻出一点小茴香的淡淡香味。Even as a young woman she had been perceived as a future chief executive.甚至是在年轻时,她就被看作是未来的总裁。He quickly perceived the truth.他很快就了解了真相。Often what is perceived to be aggression is simply fear.往往看来气势汹汹的表现不过是害怕而已。The General's words were perceived as a threat by countries in the region.将军说的话被该地区所有国家看作是一种威胁。I perceived that she had been crying.我注意到她一直在哭。He perceived the question as a threat to his authority.他认为这个问题对他的权威构成了威胁。That morning, he perceived a change in Franco's mood.那天早上,他注意到佛朗哥情绪的变化。A woman cannot succeed if she is perceived as being too feminine.如果被认为太柔弱温和,女人不可能取得成功。He was an Englishman, as they perceived by his accent.他是英国人,这是他们从他的口音中听出来的。Consumers choose organic meat for a number of reasons, including perceived health benefits.消费者选择有机肉出于种种原因,包括认识到其有益健康。Risks are perceived differently by different people.不同的人对风险有不同的感觉。He soon perceived that his job would be difficult.他很快就知道他的差使不好干。These people were perceived by members of higher castes as impure and degraded.这些人被上层社会人士视为渎神的、堕落的。He perceived that there was no other way out of the crisis.他认为没有其他办法可以摆脱危机。I perceived a note of unhappiness in her voice.我从她的声音中觉察出一丝不快。No one perceived themself to be in a position to hire such a man.没有人认为自己能做主雇用这样一个人。He is perceived as one of the best players in baseball.他是公认的最好的棒球选手之一。




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