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词汇 黎明
例句 She lay in a state of suspended animation, waiting for dawnlight, when she would rise.她就那样呆呆地躺着,等待着黎明到来后起床。The soldiers broke camp at dawn.士兵们黎明时拔营。The next day dawned, thankfully with a drop in wind and waves.令人庆幸的是,次日黎明风浪减弱了。We started at dawn and reached Kushinagar in the dark.我们黎明时启程,在夜色中到达拘尸那迦。Birds began to sing as the sky paled into dawn.东方泛白、黎明来临时,鸟儿们开始歌唱起来。The revels often last until dawn.狂欢常常持续到黎明They started off on their journey at dawn.黎明时他们踏上了旅途。We set off for Boston at daybreak.我们黎明时出发去波士顿。We set off at the peep of day.我们黎明时出发。Police smashed a major drugs ring after a series of dawn raids.经过一连几次黎明突击,警方捣破了一个重要贩毒团伙。Dawn is the messenger of day.黎明预示著白天的到来。Dawn came and the sea began to kick up.黎明来临,海浪开始升腾。 She's been raring to go since dawn.她从黎明开始就盼着出发。I could see the dawn breeze rippling the shining water.我能看见黎明的微风在波光粼粼的水面上吹出道道涟漪。She was up at first light.黎明时就起身了。The mother was in the habit of waking her children up at cockcrow.这位母亲习惯黎明时叫醒她的孩子。It was the lark, the herald of the morn.那是百灵鸟,黎明的预报者。Some of the people queuing for tickets had been there since dawn.买票队伍中有些人从黎明就开始在排队了。She drove from dawn to/until dusk. 她从黎明开始开车,一直开到黄昏。The troops attacked at dawn.黎明时部队发起进攻。Night turned into morning, grey and cold.黎明驱走夜色,天气阴沉而寒冷。A dusk-to-dawn curfew was in force.正在实行黄昏至黎明的宵禁。We were woken at dawn by a cock crowing repeatedly.黎明时,我们被一阵阵的鸡啼声吵醒。It settled in to snow soon after daybreak.黎明后不久,雪开始下个不停。Dawn was breaking over the valley.黎明降临山谷。We set out at daybreak.我们黎明时出发了。The park opens every morning at dawn.这座公园每天黎明开放。




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