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词汇 魅力四射
例句 The actress had a complete makeover to turn her into a glamorous star.这位女演员彻底改变形象,想变身为魅力四射的明星。She was always glam. She looked like a star.她总是魅力四射,看上去俨然一位明星。The star is shown – most alluringly – in a slinky dress and hairstyle that never figure in the movie.那位明星穿的紧身连衣裙和梳的发型都是电影中从未出现过的,出场时魅力四射Her charm was very much in evidence throughout the meeting.整个会议期间,她都魅力四射Her brother oozes charm.她的弟弟魅力四射She radiated charisma onstage and off-stage.她台上台下都魅力四射She truly dazzles in her live concerts.在个人现场演唱会上,她真是魅力四射She was charming and devastatingly beautiful too.魅力四射,美貌绝伦。




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