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词汇 一个女人
例句 I met a girl who was ready for some action.我遇到一个女人,她愿意和我上床。I saw him last night with some woman draped all over him.昨晚我看见他搂着一个女人A smiling woman holding a can of beer came over to us.一个女人手里拿着一罐啤酒笑盈盈地朝我们走来。A woman picks them up and seals them in plastic bags.一个女人把它们捡起来并放在塑料袋里密封。A woman's screams issued from the lane.巷子里传出一个女人的尖叫声。 Because she's such an old boot herself, she's cheered to find that another female can still identify her as the same gender.她是个丑老太婆,因此,当发现另一个女人还能认出她也是女人,她觉得非常高兴。You can't easily part a woman from her favourite lipstick.你无法轻易地让一个女人放弃自己心爱的唇膏。A woman sidled up to us and asked if we wanted to buy a watch.一个女人鬼鬼祟祟地走近我们,问我们要不要买手表。The patient recognized one of the women as the apparition she had seen.病人认出其中一个女人是她曾经见过的幽灵。There was a woman mopping the stairs.一个女人在拖楼梯。She will stand by husband, despite reports that he sent another woman love notes.尽管有报道说她丈夫曾给另一个女人写求爱信,但她还是会支持他。She found her boyfriend in bed with another woman.她发现男友跟另一个女人上床。My husband left me for another woman.我的丈夫为了另一个女人而离开了我。He carved the figure of a woman from a piece of wood.他用一块木头雕了一个女人像。I refuse to stand by and see the company allowed to run aground because of one woman's wilfulness.我不会袖手旁观,眼看公司因为一个女人的一意孤行而触礁。Lois was about to knock when a woman appeared from around the side of the house.洛伊丝正要敲门,一个女人从屋子旁边走出来。He could not stomach being bossed by a woman.他受不了让一个女人当他的老板。I felt that every woman here sneers at me.我感到这里的每一个女人都在嘲笑我。There was a woman lying unconscious on the floor.一个女人倒在地上失去了知觉。I noticed that a woman was grubbing about a short distance from my feet.我注意到一个女人在离我脚不远的地方仔细寻找着什么。He sealed his own doom by having an affair with another woman.他与另一个女人有染,毁了自己。Shock, horror! Carl James was seen talking to a woman and it wasn't his wife.恐怖啊!有人看到卡尔‧吉姆和一个女人说话,那个女人不是他老婆。He may get a woman erotically obsessed with him but he will never get her love.他可能会让一个女人对他充满了性欲,但是他永远得不到她的爱。The priest was being blackmailed by a woman who said he was the father of her child.牧师被一个女人敲诈,说牧师是她孩子的父亲。She found out he'd gotten off with another woman.她发现他与另一个女人有染。Her new movie deals with the relationship between a woman and her sick daughter.她的新电影讲述的是一个女人与她患病的女儿之间发生的故事。Her transition from girl to woman was complete.她已经从一个女孩变为一个女人When I saw Henry with another woman I felt something close to jealousy.当我看到亨利和另一个女人在一起时,我有一种近似嫉妒的感觉。He heard a woman scream.他听到一个女人尖叫。He betrayed his wife with another woman. 他对妻子不忠,和另外一个女人在一起了。I was in a long-term relationship with another woman and we decided to co-parent.我与另一个女人交往多年,我们决定共同抚育子女。Anita broke off her engagement when she found out that Paulo had been seeing another woman.安妮塔发现保罗在和另一个女人约会,于是就解除了婚约。The book tells the story of a woman escaping from a suffocating marriage.这本书讲的是一个女人逃脱一段令人窒息的婚姻的故事。He was slapping a woman around and I objected.他正在掌掴一个女人,我上前制止。The house needtouched a woman's touch.这个家没有一个女人不行。A woman who has given a man children will always have a claim on his love.一个女人给男人生了孩子,就永远有权要求得到他的爱。Robert was playing around with another woman.罗伯特和另一个女人乱搞。A woman appeared at the far end of the street.一个女人远远出现在街的尽头。There is only one woman to be seen, swathed in a white veil.只能看到一个女人,罩着白色面纱。Then there was a woman's voice, rising shrilly above the barking.接着,一个女人的尖厉声音盖过了犬吠声。




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