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词汇 高高在上
例句 He contented himself by assuming an air of superiority.他摆出一副高高在上的样子,以获得自我满足。James watched with regal detachment.詹姆斯用高高在上的冷漠神情注视着。Their casual behaviour just looks arch or patronizing.他们那种随意的做派给人的印象就是高高在上,或者说是屈尊俯就。The council was accused of being too remote and impersonal.该委员会被指责高高在上,不近人情。I don't like that superior, sneering tone of his.我不喜欢他那种高高在上、连讥带讽的语气。Janet always spoke with an air of superiority.珍妮特说话时总是带着一副高高在上的样子。People make cutting remarks to help themselves feel superior or powerful.人们说话尖酸刻薄是为了使自己感觉高高在上或是有权有势。His superior manner jars on me.他那高高在上的样子令我不快。He tends to adopt a condescending manner when talking to young women.和年轻女子说话时,他喜欢摆出一副高高在上的姿态。Lilith resented Adam's pretensions to superiority.利莉思十分厌恶亚当高高在上的架势。The author discusses the politics of the region without condescension. 那位作者在讨论这一地区的政治时没有给人高高在上的感觉。How dare you talk down to me like this?你竟敢用这样高高在上的口气对我讲话? That she wrote in French has been taken by some as a sign of her elitism.有人认为她用法语写作说明她有一种高高在上的优越感。People make cutting comments to help themselves feel superior or powerful.人们说话尖酸刻薄是为了使自己感觉高高在上或是有权有势。She spoke to us in a condescending tone.她用一种高高在上的口气和我们说话。




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