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词汇 危险
例句 A thick fog descended on the mountain, and I knew that we were in grave danger.山上浓雾笼罩,我就知道我们处在极大的危险中。Many doctors believe that boxing is too dangerous and should be banned.许多医生认为拳击运动太危险,应该禁止。His single-minded determination to win the war is blinding him to other dangers.他一心想打赢这场战争,所以看不到其他危险的存在。It's dangerous to overtake on a bend.在转弯处超车是很危险的。The police should be doing more to get unsafe drivers off the road.警方应采取更多行动,防止危险驾驶司机上路。They are in grave danger of losing everything.他们面临失去一切的严重危险Washington was risking a conflagration in the Middle East.华盛顿正在中东地区冒燃起战火的危险We risk a major loss of talent to overseas jobs via a brain drain.我们面临大量人才流向海外就业的危险He's dangerous and needs to be stopped.他很危险,必须阻止他。Mining is dangerous work.采矿是危险的工作。The current was swift and dangerous.水流湍急,很危险The road over the mountains is steep and dangerous.这条翻越山区的路陡峭而危险You had a close shave, but you knew when you accepted this job that there would be risks.你这次侥幸脱险,不过在接受这项工作的时候,你就知道会有一些危险There's a risk of side effects.有产生副作用的危险That species is in imminent danger of extinction.那物种有即将灭绝的危险All tight rope walkers are daredevils. Any carelessness will result in their death.走钢索的人必然是敢向危险挑战的人,一不小心就会丧命。The danger is increasing momentarily.危险时刻在增大。What some of you don't seem to realize is that we're sitting on a powder keg.你们中的一些人似乎没有意识到我们正处于危险的局面之中。The idea of Toni being in danger distresses him enormously.想到托尼正处于危险中,他心急如焚。The country slipped into a dangerous mixture of nationalism and militarism.这个国家陷入了民族主义和军国主义并存的危险境地。Combat sports such as karate and judo carry with them the risk of injury.像空手道和柔道之类的搏击运动有受伤的危险The rivers that drain the north European plain are heavy with dangerous metals.冲击欧洲北部平原的各条河流含有大量危险金属物质。He risks further erosion of his support among voters.他冒着选民支持率进一步下滑的危险Eating in East Berlin used to be a hazardous and joyless experience.在东柏林就餐曾经是一件危险而且沉闷无趣的事情。The plan is menaced with failure.计划有失败的危险Brook was Baldwin's most dangerous and consistent adversary.布鲁克是鲍德温最危险也是最顽固的对手。I rarely see bad or inattentive driving while there is a police car around.周围有警车巡逻的时候,我很少见到不当或危险驾驶的现象。He was threatened with jail if evidence of a hoax was discovered.如果发现他欺诈的证据,他就会有入狱的危险There will be danger of losing two trump tricks.有输掉两张王牌的危险Then, at the first sniff of danger, he was back at his post.他刚一觉察到危险就立即回到了自己的哨位。There are many dangers that you need to watch out for.有很多危险你都需要提防。They overlooked the enormous risks involved.他们忽略了其中牵涉的极大危险The report catalogued numerous dangerous work practices.这份报告列出了许多危险的作业方法。All the electrical wiring in the house was being completely overhauled because of the risk of fire.因为怕有起火的危险,房子里所有的供电线路都在进行彻底检修。They're going to charge him with dangerous driving.他们将控告他危险驾驶。The bridge is in danger of collapse.这座桥有倒塌的危险The colour red is used to denote passion or danger.红色用于表示激情或危险A special licence is required for the manufacture or handling of any dangerous chemical.生产或销售危险化学品必须获得特殊许可证。Make sure that your immunisations are up to date to lessen the risk of serious illness.要确保接种最新的疫苗,以降低患上严重疾病的危险A sense of common danger combined them in operations of defence.共同的危险感使他们联合起来进行防卫战。




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