例句 |
She has a high-paying job on Wall Street.她在华尔街有一份高薪工作。He's just landed himself a highly paid job in banking.他刚刚在银行业谋得了一份高薪工作。James accepted the generously salaried job at the bank.詹姆斯接受了那份银行的高薪工作。Women must receive their fair share of training for good-paying jobs.女性必须获得她们理应得到的高薪工作培训。He has a very well-paid job in finance.他有一份财务方面的高薪工作。At last he had found a well-paid job that interested him.最后,他找到了一个自己感兴趣的高薪工作。The cream of India's scientists are being attracted abroad by highly paid jobs.印度的精英科学家被海外的高薪工作吸引而纷纷出国。 |