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词汇 motion
例句 Such a motion is considered a test of backbench opinion.这样的动议被视为对后座议员立场的考验。They plan on putting the motion/resolution to a/the vote this afternoon.他们计划今天下午就这一动议/决议进行投票表决。She plans to table a motion for debate in Parliament.她打算提出一项动议交议会讨论。The motion will be debated later today.今天晚些时候将讨论这项动议。We punted on a motion that makes no sense.我们放弃了一个没有意义的动议。Before he got to the workshop, the machine had been put in motion.在他到达车间之前,机器已经开动了。The wind from the car's motion whipped her hair around her head.汽车驶过带起的风吹乱了她的头发。Opposition parties are likely to bring a no-confidence motion against the government.反对党很可能提出对政府的不信任案。He proposed a motion of no confidence in the government.他提出了对政府的不信任动议。With today's announcement, she has set the wheels in motion for a run for the presidency. 她今天宣布开始竞选总统。Every word of hers and every motion endeared her more to me.她的一言一行加深了我对她的爱慕之情。The eternal motion of the stars fascinated him.星体永恒的运行使他著迷。Scientists have shown that motion is the source of life.科学家们已证实运动乃是生命之源。As millions will have seen, by courtesy of the slow motion re-runs, the referee made a mistake.慢动作重放后,数百万人都可以看到裁判错判了。The plan has been put into motion.这一计划已经启动。The board tabled a motion calling for her resignation.董事会提出动议,要求她辞职。He caught the ball and flipped it back to me in one fluid motion.他接住球,然后以一个流畅的动作把它扔回给我。Swing the tennis racquet in one smooth motion.挥动网球拍动作要流畅,一气呵成。The painting conveys a sense/feeling of motion.这幅画表达出一种动感。The judge sustained the motion.法官支持这一请求。Newton proposed that heavenly and terrestrial motion could be unified with the idea of gravity.牛顿提出天体和地球的运动可以用万有引力来解释。The students passed a motion of no-confidence in the college principal.学生们通过了对校长进行不信任投票的动议。The new refinements have improved the sensitivity of the motion detector.这些新的改进提高了运动检测器的灵敏度。Her motion was voted on.对她的动议进行了投票表决。The judge denied a motion to delay the hearing.法官否决了延期审讯的请求。The proposer of the motion tonight is Jonathan Hesk.今晚动议的提出者是乔纳森•赫斯克。The insects are stirred into motion by the heat of the sun.火热的太阳使昆虫纷纷开始活动起来。The wounded rabbit made a sudden motion.受伤的兔子突然抖动了一下。Place your hands on your shoulders and move your elbows up, back, and down, in a circular motion.双手置于肩上,肘部向上、向后、向下做圆圈运动。They've tabled a motion criticising the Government for doing nothing about the problem.他们提交了一项动议,批评政府在该问题上无所作为。There's been a motion to vote on the proposal. Do I hear a second?提议就这项建议进行投票。有人支持吗?After surgery, patients should begin a range of motion exercises for the elbow.手术以后,病人应该开始一系列的肘部运动锻炼。Her sharp, aggressive tone set in motion the events that led to her downfall.她那咄咄逼人的尖锐语调拉开了导致她垮台的事件的序幕。I dreamt I was falling off a cliff in a slow motion.我梦见我以慢动作从悬崖摔下。Such a motion is considered a test of backbench opinion.这动议被看作是对普通议员意见的考查。She has a simple golf swing with no/little wasted motion.她做了一个干净利落的高尔夫球挥杆动作。The end doors are not to be used when the train is in motion.火车运行时,车厢端门不得使用。Right-wing parties tabled a motion of censure against the government.右翼党派提交了不信任政府的动议。The Church voted to set in motion the process allowing women to be priests.教会投票决定启动允许妇女当牧师的程序。How will the court rule on the motion?法院将如何裁定诉讼人的请求呢?




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