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词汇 高涨
例句 New allegations brought interest in the scandal to a fever pitch.新指控使人们对那桩丑闻关注的空前高涨There is growing unrest among students.学生的不满情绪日益高涨High tides have swamped the coast.高涨的潮水淹没了海岸。He's found growing sentiment for military action.他发现支持采取军事行动的情绪日益高涨Thinking about her made me feel really randy.想到她我就性欲高涨Lisa's apparently unquenchable spirits were rising.丽莎那显然不可遏制的情绪正在高涨Nationalist sentiment has increased in the area since the bombing.轰炸发生以来,该地区的民族主义情绪开始高涨The passion and violence unleashed by Quebec nationalism continued to grow.魁北克民族主义引发的激情和狂热持续高涨As nationalistic feelings grew, life became increasingly difficult for immigrants.随着民族主义情绪的高涨,移民的生活越来越艰难了。The spirited mood on Friday was in sharp contrast to the tense atmosphere last week.星期五的高涨情绪与上周的紧张气氛形成了明显的对比。Political life has been infected by growing nationalist sentiment.政治生活受到了日益高涨的民族主义情绪的影响。The characters complain ceaselessly about food queues, prices and corruption.人们不停地抱怨买食品要排长队,物价高涨,腐败猖獗。Despite the steady progress of building work, the campaign against it is still going strong.尽管建筑施工已在稳步进行,但反对活动仍然高涨Anti-war dissent was increasing by the time Nixon took office.自尼克松上台时,反战呼声日渐高涨In France's former North African colonies, anti-French feeling is growing.在北非前法属殖民地地区,反法情绪在高涨We're living in a time of diminished/rising expectations.我们生活在一个希望衰退/高涨的时代。The public's cynicism about politics is at an all time high.公众对政治的怀疑情绪空前高涨A long period of high inflation will eventually reduce the value of your nest egg.通货膨胀率长期高涨最终会使你的备用储蓄贬值。I am sure that, given the great community spirit here, the fund-raisers will not give up.我坚信,这里有如此高涨的社区精神,募捐者是不会放弃的。The voices of dissent grew louder.反对之声日渐高涨The difference is that their players are well motivated.不同的是他们的运动员士气高涨Anti-war feeling grew stronger in the US as the Vietnam conflict went on.随着越战的持续,美国的反战情绪日益高涨The government is defending its economic policies against a growing chorus of criticism.面对日渐高涨的齐声指责,政府不断为其经济政策辩护。There was growing opposition to the war and its senseless waste of life.反对战争和无谓地牺牲生命的呼声日益高涨In Britain, the growing discussion of women's sexuality raised its own disquiet.在英国,对女性性欲的讨论日趋高涨,使得这一讨论本身就开始引起了不安。There is undoubtedly a groundswell of support for the idea of a strong central authority.支持强有力的中央集权的呼声无疑在高涨It was exhilarating to be on the road again and his spirits rose.重新踏上旅途令他非常振奋,兴致高涨For many years the South African government remained intransigent, despite mounting world opposition to apartheid.许多年来,尽管全世界反对种族隔离制度的呼声日益高涨,南非政府还是持不妥协态度。Their emotions have gotten the best of them.高涨的情绪使他们失去了理智。Anti-war feeling has reached an all-time high. = There is strong feeling against the war. 反战呼声空前高涨The initial euphoria over democracy seemed greatly dulled.开始时对民主的那种高涨情绪似乎大大减退。There was growing resentment among the people against their foreign rulers.民众中对外国统治者的不满情绪越来越高涨There is growing discontent with the leadership.人们对领导层的不满情绪日益高涨In an atmosphere of growing xenophobia many foreigners were deported or even imprisoned.在逐渐高涨的排外浪潮中,许多外国人被驱逐出境,甚至被监禁。High tides in the North Sea were funnelled down into the English Channel by a storm.一场风暴使北海高涨的潮水向南涌进英吉利海峡。The federal government tried to control rising health-care costs.联邦政府试图控制日益高涨的医疗保健费用。




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