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On his return from Canada, he joined the army.他从加拿大回来就参军了。Eric went into the army right after school.埃里克一毕业就参军了。We didn't try to stop our son from joining the army, but we both had misgivings.我们没有阻止儿子去参军,但我们俩都有顾虑。You should take a long, hard look at your reasons for wanting to join the army.你应该全面、严肃地审视自己想参军的理由。They became soldiers out of a sense of duty and honor.出于使命感和荣誉感,他们参军了。He enrolled in the army at his father's insistence.在父亲的坚持下,他参军了。He had his hair cropped when he went into the army.他参军时把头发剪短了。Frank lied about his age in order to join the army.弗兰克为了参军谎报了年龄。A significant group of young men would rather go to jail than join the army.相当多的年轻人宁愿入狱也不愿参军。Maybe you should join the services.也许你应该去参军。Both his sons have gone into the army. 他两个儿子都参军了。He chose to take the queen's shilling.他选择了参军。Some of the men were volunteers, but most of them had been conscripted.这些人当中有些是自愿参军的,但多数都是被征召入伍的。Charlie left shortly after he was enlisted in the Army.查利参军后不久就离开了。He decided on a career in the army.他决定参军。He did not enter the army because of his pacifist beliefs/ideals.出于和平主义信念/理想他没有参军。After joining the army, he spent five years at his first station. 参军后,他在第一个岗位上待了五年。He settled his affairs before entering the army.参军之前,他把自己的事情都安排好了。He was never tempted to join the military.他从没想过要去参军。Leyton was over-age for recruitment into the army.莱顿要参军岁数太大了。When Uncle John tried to join the army, they turned him down because he was too old.约翰叔叔想参军,但因为他年纪太大了,他们没有录取他。You don't expect me to join the army, do you? Suppose I get killed?你不是以为我会参军吧?如果我被打死怎么办?His inspiration to fly came even before he joined the Army.他想开飞机的念头在参军之前就有了。My dad joined up at the beginning of the war.战争刚开始我爸爸就参军了。The advertising campaign is trying to persuade people to join the armed forces这次广告宣传力劝大家参军。He enlisted as a private in the Mexican War.在墨西哥战争中他参军成为一名二等兵。They have resisted efforts to integrate women into the military.他们已对致力于使女性参军的种种努力进行了抵制。He wound up his business and personal affairs before joining the army.他把公私事务料理妥帖后才去参军。He still suffered the stigma of having been rejected for the army.他仍然蒙受着参军遭拒之辱。Barry had joined the army immediately upon leaving school.巴里中学一毕业就参军了。He straightened out after joining the army.他参军后,人就变好了。Don't talk to Ralph about joining the army, I don't want you putting ideas into his head.别跟拉尔夫谈参军的事,我不想你让他产生此类想法。I had an idea that he joined the army later.我约莫知道他后来参军了。My mother prayed nightly that I would not join the army.我母亲每晚都祈祷我不会参军。Our son volunteered for military service.我们的儿子志愿参军。Most of the boys went to town to join up.大部分男孩都到镇上参军去了。Some were conscripted into the army and others joined voluntarily.有些人是应征入伍的,有些人则是自愿参军的。He wants to join the army when he's old enough.他够年龄时想去参军。He ditched school to join the army.他辍学去参军了。He went off to join the army after graduating from high school.高中毕业后,他就参军去了。 |