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词汇 高效
例句 We have developed an efficient banking service, but there is scope for further fine-tuning of the system.我们已开发了一种高效的银行服务,但该系统要达到完善仍有需要改进之处。We wanted our business to be lean and mean.我们希望自己的企业精简高效They worked speedily and efficiently.他们快速高效地工作。Their equipment was not as efficient at finding gold as today's machinery.在探寻金矿方面,他们的设备不如现在的机器高效His office conveyed an impression of efficiency and seriousness.他的办公室给人高效和庄重的印象。When you contact a government office, you should receive efficient service and be treated with courtesy.与政府部门打交道,应当享受到高效服务和礼遇。The combination of an extremely powerful carbon blank, graded into a softer tip material, produces an effective tool.将高强度碳坯逐渐融入较软的刀头材料,可以制造出一种高效车刀。As managing director, I am expected to provide effective leadership.作为总经理,我应该表现出高效的领导作风。The Indian cavalry under Haig became a functionally efficient unit.黑格领导下的印度骑兵成为了一支高效执行任务的队伍。You will be responsible for the efficient discharge of your duties.你有责任高效履行自己的职责。The judge said that arbitration was a fair and expeditious decision-making process.法官说仲裁是公平且高效的判决过程。A more efficient furnace will save on energy.高效的锅炉可以节能。The heating system is very efficient in its use of fuel.供暖系统能高效节省燃料。The hotel's staff are friendly and efficient.这个宾馆的员工既友好又高效There's often a trade-off between the need for safety and the desire to work quickly.在安全和高效之间往往需要做出权衡。She ran a lean and efficient company.她经营着一家节约而高效的公司。The process of replication is very quick and efficient.复制的过程快捷、高效Services could be operated more efficiently and economically.服务机构的运行还可以更经济高效一些。We need to concentrate our efforts on finding ways to work more efficiently.我们需要集中力量找到更高效的工作方法。A new potent antibiotic will shortly be available.一种新的高效抗生素不久将在市面销售。An efficient irrigation system channels water to the crops.高效的灌溉系统把水输送到庄稼地里。He was efficient at his job and well thought of by everyone.他工作称职高效,得到了大家的好评。There they sat, organized and efficient, while we puddled around our mismatched collection of mostly improvised camping gear.他们井然有序、动作高效地坐在那儿,而我们则还在瞎摆弄那堆不成套的、多数是临时拼凑起来的露营工具。He worked with machinelike efficiency.他工作起来和机器一样高效It's a tribute to her skills as a writer that she can make such a convincing case so efficiently.她能如此高效地创作出那么有说服力的故事,充分体现了她作为作家的写作功力。Nowadays even efficient, lean, well-run industries are failing.如今即使是那些高效、精干、管理良好的行业也在亏损。We need to concentrate on finding ways to work more efficiently.我们需要集中精力,找到更高效的工作方法。We need someone really efficient who can organize the office and make it run smoothly.我们需要的人必须要高效干练,善于组织筹划,能使这个办事处顺畅运作。Necks and noses are the most vulnerable areas and should be well covered with an efficient sun product.颈部和鼻子是最容易晒伤的部位,应当厚厚地抹上一层高效防晒产品。Insects such as ants have a highly effective system of communication.蚂蚁等昆虫都有高效的交流系统。Its commercial success as a city is partly due to its excellent rail and road communications.这座城市在商业上的成功部分要归功于其高效便捷的铁路和公路交通。How do you motivate people to work hard and efficiently?.你是怎样激励大家奋发高效地工作的?He had been an efficient and painstaking worker.他一直是个高效且勤快的工人。We need to get this department functioning efficiently.我们需要让这个部门高效地运转。Roemer represented the best hope for a businesslike climate in Louisiana.罗默最有希望给路易斯安那州带来务实高效之风。Thanks to Margaret's excellent chairmanship, the business of the meeting was speedily and efficiently dispatched.由于玛格丽特的出色主持,会议的议程得以迅速高效地完成。We were impressed by her crisp, businesslike manner.她干练、高效的风格给我们留下了深刻的印象。If you want to do your job efficiently, you have to learn to prioritize.如果你想高效地工作,就必须学会分清主次先后。We wanted our business to be lean and mean. 我们想把生意做得既高效又成功。An efficient public transport system makes sense both environmentally and economically.高效的公共交通系统无论是在环境保护方面还是在经济方面都是有意义的。




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