例句 |
The first line of each paragraph should be indented.每一段的第一行应该缩进。If I feel that someone's hurt me I retreat into my shell, like a snail drawing inward.如果我觉得有人伤害了我,我会躲进自己的世界,就像蜗牛缩进自己的壳里一样。The second paragraph is indented from the right margin.第二段从右页边向左缩进。Indent the second line.第二行缩进。The frog's eyes retract when its tongue shoots out.青蛙一吐出舌头眼球就缩进。He was huddled into his coat, his face blue with cold.他缩进大衣里,冷得脸都发紫了。I snuggled down in the big, comfortable seat.我缩进宽大舒适的椅子里。 |