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词汇 缴税
例句 Paying taxes is a necessary evil.缴税是难免之事。There is a quirk in the rules that allows you to invest money without paying tax.这些规章的奇怪之处在于其允许人们投资而不必缴税The government has been forced to declare an amnesty for anyone who has not paid their taxes, because there are now too many to collect.政府被迫宣布大赦那些未缴税的人,因为逃税的人太多,无法把钱收齐。The poorest families pay no tax on food because their food stamp purchases are tax-exempt.最贫困的家庭不用在食品上缴税,因为他们用食品卷购买是免税的。You may choose to pay income tax jointly or separately from your spouse.你可以选择和配偶一起缴所得税,也可以各自缴税The tax authorities have been harrying her for repayment.税务当局不断逼她缴税These tax shelters allow people to invest in shares without paying tax.这些避税手段使人们可以投资股票而不缴税Failure to pay the tax may result in prosecution and imprisonment.缴税可能会遭起诉、被判入狱。He's always pissing and moaning about having to pay taxes.他总是不停地抱怨要缴税Charities, by and large, do not pay tax.慈善机构一般来说无需缴税We pay federal, state, and local taxes.我们向联邦、州和地方政府缴税Working people everywhere object to paying taxes.各地的工薪族都反对缴税The Republican candidate's admissions about his failure to pay taxes cost him dearly.该共和党候选人承认自己没有缴税,这一坦白让他付出了惨痛代价。




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