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词汇 高峰时间
例句 A car breaking down at rush hour could cause gridlock across half the city.在交通高峰时间,一辆车抛锚就可能使半个城市都陷入交通瘫痪。There are extra buses at peak times.高峰时间公交车有加车。They weaved expertly among the rush-hour traffic.他们娴熟地穿梭于高峰时间的车流中。I got caught in the morning rush hour.我在早上的交通高峰时间遇上了塞车。By the time the evening rush hour begins, we should have got the traffic system sorted out.在傍晚车辆高峰时间到来前,我们应该可以把交通秩序整顿好了。The spots will run during drive time radio.这些节目将会在行车高峰时间广播中播放。In the morning and afternoon rush hours HOV restrictions are enforced.在早晨和下午的高峰时间,对车辆高乘载的规定被严格执行。Try to avoid rush-hour traffic.尽量避开交通高峰时间It was rush hour, and there was no hope of getting a seat.现在是高峰时间,不可能有座位。The explosive device was timed to go off at the rush hour.爆炸装置被设定在高峰时间引爆。The bomb exploded on a bus in Jerusalem during the city's morning rush hour.在耶路撒冷早晨的高峰时间,炸弹在一辆公共汽车上爆炸了。Travelling in the rush hour can be a bit of a bind.在上下班的高峰时间出门多少够你受的。Police had closed the freeway, creating a gridlock as rush hour approached.警察关闭了高速公路,在高峰时间到来时造成了交通堵塞。The buses are so crowded during the rush hour, you never get a seat.高峰时间里公共汽车非常拥挤,你根本不可能坐到位子。All transit systems are crowded during the rush hours.高峰时间所有的公共交通网都是拥挤的。I purposely avoid making train journeys during the rush hour.我有意避开在高峰时间乘火车。The authorities have been grappling with the problem for a decade, but cars still choke the streets in the rush hour.当局十年来一直在努力解决该问题,但在高峰时间汽车仍堵塞街道。You should leave early if you want to miss the rush hour.如果你想避开高峰时间,就该早些出发。Traffic is very heavy at peak hours.高峰时间交通非常拥挤。We rode on the subway at rush hour, packed like sardines.我们在交通高峰时间乘坐地铁,拥挤不堪。




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