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词汇 女售货员
例句 A man at the head of the line was arguing with the sales lady.排在最前面的那个男人正跟女售货员吵架。The saleswoman tried to tempt us into buying a more expensive model.女售货员使劲怂恿我们买更贵的一款。The saleslady compacted a neat package out of all my wife's purchases.那位女售货员把我妻子所购买的全部东西齐齐整整扎成一包。The salesgirl took the remark unkindly.女售货员听了这句话很不服气。The saleswoman tried to tempt us to buy a more expensive model.女售货员使劲怂恿我们买更贵的一款。We asked the saleswoman for assistance.我们请女售货员帮忙。The new salesgirl is accurate at figures.新来的女售货员计算正确无误。The saleswoman seems very zealous to please.女售货员看来非常热情地想取悦于人。The two saleswomen were busily trying to keep up with the demand.两位女售货员忙不迭地努力满足顾客的需求。




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