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词汇 女婴
例句 He's now the proud father of a three-week-old baby girl.现在他是位有三周大女婴的父亲,感到很自豪。An eight-month-old baby girl was the sole survivor of a car crash that killed both her parents.一名八个月大的女婴在一场车祸中父母双亡,她是唯一的幸存者。They've adopted a baby girl.他们领养了一个女婴She delivered healthy twin girls early this morning.她今天清晨生下一对健康的双胞胎女婴He cuddled the newborn girl.他怀抱着刚出生的女婴The couple have a three-year-old son and an infant daughter.这对夫妇有个三岁的男孩和一个女婴The baby lay gurgling in her cot.女婴躺在婴儿床里高兴地咯咯叫。Derek is now the proud father of a bouncing baby girl.德里克现在是个自豪的父亲,有个健康活泼的女婴Keith gently handed me the little baby girl.基思小心地把女婴交给了我。The baby cooed quietly in her crib.女婴在童床里轻轻地咕咕作声。She thought the baby would be a girl, and her intuition was correct.她觉得这婴儿是女婴,而她的直觉是对的。She's just had a lovely healthy baby girl.她刚刚生了一个可爱健康的女婴The couple adopted a baby girl.这对夫妇收养了一个女婴She delivered an eight-pound baby girl this morning.她今天早上生下了一个八磅重的女婴




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