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例句 John Bull is traditionally depicted as a fat man wearing a waistcoat with the British flag on it.约翰牛传统上被描绘成一个身材肥胖的男子,身上穿着件印有英国国旗的马甲。The painting depicted a group of peasants reaping a harvest of fruits and vegetables.这幅画描绘了一群农民收获水果和蔬菜的情景。The defendants were shown/depicted in a bad light by the lawyer.律师的描述对被告不利。Mediterranean scenes depicted in these paintings这些画中描绘的地中海景色 He depicted the town's respectable families in an unflattering light.他在描述镇上体面人家时满是贬抑之词。Trees are depicted with blocks of flat colour or shading.树木用单色块来涂绘或处理成阴影部分。Her characters are realistically depicted.她的角色刻画得栩栩如生。The god is depicted as a bird with a human head.这个神被描绘成长着人头的鸟。Several of the architect's most famous buildings will soon be depicted on postage stamps.那名建筑师设计的最著名的几大建筑即将被印在邮票上。Both approaches agree on what is depicted in the poem, but not on how it should be interpreted.两种方法对诗中所描绘的是何种事物的看法是一致的,但是对于应该如何阐释这首诗有所分歧。In the drawing, the magic cap was depicted as a soft, black hat.在这幅画中,魔术帽被画成一顶黑色软帽。I was never convinced by the image of the whiter than white princess depicted in the press.我从不相信报刊杂志上描写的清纯公主的形象。She depicted the interior life of human beings, and particularly their moral stresses and strains.她描写人类的内心生活,尤其是他们所承受的道德压力。The painting depicted a hall so lifelike that a casual observer might believe himself to be looking through an open door.这幅画描绘的厅堂如此逼真,若不细看,还真以为是从一扇开着的门往里看呢。In this new biography she is depicted as a lonely and unhappy woman.在这本新的传记里,她被描写为一位孤独的、不快乐的女子。The character of the hero is depicted to a nicety.男主人公的性格刻画得很细腻。The gold and ivory inlay depicted a setter on point.黄金和象牙的镶嵌图案上是一只追踪猎物的赛特犬。Angels are usually depicted with wings.人们描绘的天使通常都带有翅膀。He depicted the frontier as a howling wilderness inhabited by uncivilized savages.在他的描写中,边疆是个荒芜之地,住着一些未开化的野蛮人。Men want to look like the idealized men depicted in advertisements.男人们希望自己看上去像广告中描绘的那种理想化男人。Gracey's feeling of alienation at her white girls' school is movingly depicted.格雷西在白人女子学校的疏离感被描述得非常感人。Cupid is usually depicted as a winged boy with a bow and arrow.丘比特常被描绘成手持弓箭长着翅膀的小男孩。Each saint was depicted with his or her symbols, which provided a short cut to recognition.每位圣人都画有各自身份的象征符号,很容易辨认。We want to change the way women are depicted in the media.我们想要改变媒体眼中的女性形象。




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