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词汇 驾车
例句 We waved goodbye to them and drove away.我们向他们挥手告别,然后驾车离开。He drove the car into a street light.驾车撞上了路灯。We drove from Quebec to Ottawa.我们从魁北克驾车到渥太华。They crashed their cars through a roadblock.他们驾车哗啦一声冲过路障。He drove off in the direction of Larry's shop.驾车朝着拉里商店的方向驶去。He raced his car across the desert.驾车飞速穿过荒漠。We drove on towards London.我们继续驾车往伦敦走。She drove off at great speed, hit several parked cars, and finally crashed into a lamp-post.驾车飞速离去,连撞了几辆停着的汽车,最后撞到了一根路灯柱上。Driving across the country would be a long haul.驾车横跨这个国家将是一段漫长的旅程。Driving becomes second nature after a while.过一段时间之后,驾车就习惯成自然了。We usually drive to Italy, but this year we're flying.我们通常驾车去意大利,但今年我们要乘飞机。She's religious about using her seatbelt when she drives.驾车时总会系好安全带。The thing is to keep a good distance from the car in front of you, when you're driving in snow.要紧的是,在雪地驾车时,你要和前面的车辆保持很远的距离。Snow and ice are making driving conditions very dangerous.雪和冰都会使驾车路况变得非常危险。That driver's been on my tail for miles.那人驾车紧跟在我后面有好几英里了。She ran her car off the road.驾车冲出了道路。We're driving up to Chicago for the conference.我们正驾车北上芝加哥参加会议。They stopped in a forest, leaving the main road.他们驾车离开主路,在森林里停了下来。You could harm the suspension if you drive over rough roads.驾车通过坑洼路面可能损坏悬挂系统。Campbell was arrested for dangerous driving.坎贝尔因危险驾车而遭逮捕。He's very upset and is in no fit state to drive.他心烦意乱,不宜驾车She was banned from driving for 6 months.她被罚禁止驾车六个月。Car owners were asked to cut down travel.要求车主们减少驾车出行的次数。He put me through a series of exercises to improve my car control. The first was to drive on simulated ice.他让我进行一系列的练习以提高我的控车能力。第一项就是在模拟冰面上驾车The program creates simulations of real-life driving conditions.该程序能够模拟真实的驾车环境。I always wear Polaroids when I'm driving.当我驾车时,我总是戴着偏光太阳镜。Police officers must have a valid reason for stopping motorists.警察拦下驾车司机必须有正当理由。They drove across the country from California to New York.他们驾车从加利福尼亚到纽约,横穿了整个国家。The kids who are joyriding and ram-raiding are unemployed.那些开偷来的车狂飙和驾车抢劫的年轻人都是无业游民。When driving, she always wears her seatbelt as a precaution.驾车时,她总是系好安全带以防万一。It is dangerous to drive with a dirty windscreen.驾车时挡风玻璃不干净是很危险的。They drove through miles of open country.他们驾车穿越数英里的空旷地带。She was given a large fine and a two-year driving ban.她被处以高额罚金和禁止驾车两年。I had the car for two years and much enjoyed its excellent handling, quietness and silky gearchange.我的车买了两年了,我非常喜欢它卓越的操控性,安静舒适的驾车环境和平稳流畅的换挡操作。The headstrong recklessness of youth may be fine in some areas, but not behind the wheel of a car.年轻人在一些方面任性鲁莽一点也许没什么大不了,但是在驾车时可不行。He drove them both to their respective homes.驾车把他们分别送到家里。He put the bags in the car and drove off.他把袋子放进车里,然后驾车离去。The first rule of driving is to pay attention.驾车的首要准则是注意力要集中。It's one of the most scenic drives in Europe.这是欧洲景色最佳的驾车观光路线之一。You've drunk much too much to drive.你喝得实在太多了,不能驾车




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