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词汇 驳斥
例句 The evidence refutes all claims that the student loan scheme is not working.这份证据驳斥了有关学生贷款计划毫无成效的说法。In her book she debunks a lot of the claims made by astrologers.她在书中驳斥了许多占星家的断言。When the father took the stand today, he contradicted his son's testimony.那位父亲今天出庭作证时,驳斥了自己儿子的证词。British experts delivered a strong counter-blast to the Professor's claims.英国专家对该教授的断言进行了强烈驳斥Charges based on such material are vulnerable to a prima facie defence of duress.根据这类材料提出的指控,很容易被表面受到胁迫的辩护驳斥We will certainly contest any claims made against the safety of our products.我们肯定会驳斥任何批评我们产品安全性的说法。She says she has evidence which repudiates the allegations.她说她有证据驳斥那些指控。The Prime Minister has repudiated racist remarks made by a member of the Conservative Party.首相已经驳斥了一个保守党成员的种族主义言论。He repudiated the allegation/charge/claim that he had tried to deceive them.他们指控/谴责/声称他企图欺骗他们,他对此进行了驳斥As he girds his loins for the party's leadership election, Mr Kennedy refutes the allegation that he is lazy.肯尼迪先生驳斥了称他懒惰的指控,摩拳擦掌为竞选党派领导做准备。It's tempting to dismiss these allegations out of hand.人们很想断然驳斥这些说法。The success of the show confounded critics.演出的成功驳斥了批评家的言论。The notion that the earth is flat was rejected long ago.对地球是扁平的这一观念很早便予以驳斥了。In an angry rebuttal, the researchers claimed they were being unfairly scrutinized.研究者们愤怒驳斥,称他们遭受了不公平检查。The Foreign Office dismissed the story as mischievous and false.外交部驳斥该报道为恶意报道,不符合事实。The president struck back at critics who say he should be held accountable for conditions that contributed to the riots.一些批评家指出总统应对导致骚乱局面的情形负责,总统对此予以驳斥I am writing this letter to rebut the suggestion that I have failed in my duty.本人写此信意在驳斥所谓本人不曾尽职的暗示。She refuted the allegations against her.驳斥了对她的指控。He issued an announcement to scotch rumours of his death.他发表了一项声明来驳斥有关他已经死亡的谣言。When accused, he came back with a counter-accusation.有人诘问他时,他以反诘问驳斥之。The idea that national identity will be lost as a result of European integration is just a straw man which he is wasting his time fighting.欧洲一体化会导致民族身份的丧失,这只是他浪费时间进行驳斥的一个假想论点。She defended her department against accusations of incompetence.驳斥了认为她所在部门失职的指责。She issued a point-by-point rebuttal of the company's accusations.她就公司的指控进行了针锋相对的驳斥She refuted any allegations of malpractice.任何说她工作失职的指控,她都驳斥了。Pakistan has still not issued an official rebuttal to the latest Indian statements.巴基斯坦仍然没有对最近印度发表的声明进行官方驳斥Her report is a rebuttal of some common misconceptions.她的报告驳斥了一些常见的错误概念。Let me first scotch one or two rumours.让我首先驳斥一两个谣言。She is a professional economist and therefore schooled in the arguments against that sort of state intervention.她是个专业经济学家,因此在驳斥类似国家干预行为方面经验丰富。I knew that he was lying but I had no evidence with which to refute his story.我知道他在撒谎,但我没有证据来驳斥他的谎言。He published an article that repudiates the study's claims.他发表了一篇文章驳斥那项研究的结论。That country's statement drew a prompt rebuttal from one of its neighbouring nations.该国的声明立即招致一个邻国的驳斥His statements are a repudiation of the government's policies.他的声明是对政府政策的驳斥No one was surprised by the defendant's contradiction of the plaintiff's accusations.被告驳斥了原告的指控,没有人对此感到惊讶。The book dispels/refutes/debunks many myths about early American history. 这本书消除/驳斥/揭穿了很多关于早期美国历史的错误观点。The eyewitness contradicted earlier testimony.目击者驳斥了早些时提出的证词。The book repudiates the racist stereotypes about black women.书中驳斥了种族主义者眼中的黑人妇女形象。He was forced to defend himself against charges of sexual misconduct.他被迫为自己辩护,驳斥不轨性行为的指控。He hurled a retort at his accuser.他大声驳斥指责他的人。They issued a statement to counter the claim.他们发表了一个声明来驳斥这种主张。The minister has issued an emphatic rejection of the accusation.部长发表声明断然驳斥了这一指控。




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