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词汇 食量
例句 Regular light exercise can depress the appetite and subsequent food intake.定期进行轻度锻炼可以抑制食欲、减少进食量Don't give me such a large portion. I'm not a big eater.别给我这么大一份,我的食量不大。What can I cook for them? They're such big eaters.我可以给他们烧些什么菜呢?他们的食量都这么大。I have to stint myself of food.我得限制自己的食量Cutting food intake by half is an incredibly difficult thing for anyone to do.将进食量减半对任何人来说都是件非常难的事。No more soup, thank you. I'm pacing myself so that I have room for a dessert.不要加汤了,谢谢!我在调整我的进食量,这样我就能吃甜点。People with sedentary jobs generally need to eat less than those in very active occupations.坐着干活的人一般比工作活动量很大的人食量小。




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