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He claims that the constant aircraft noise has a bad psychological effect on the residents.他声称持续不断的飞机噪声给居民造成了不良的心理影响。He claimed that aircraft noise was the worst form of pollution.他声称飞机噪声是最严重的一种污染。Significant progress has been made in reducing aircraft noise.减少飞机噪声取得了重大进步。Airservices Australia was unable to validate aircraft noise footprints.澳大利亚航空管理局无法确认飞机噪声的影响范围。People bothered by noise from overhead aircraft shall hear a difference in the skies soon.为头顶上隆隆的飞机噪声所苦的人们,不久将从听觉上发现空中明显的变化。 |