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词汇 单程票
例句 Would you like singles or returns, Sir?你要单程票还是往返票,先生?She took out all her savings and bought a one-way ticket to Rio.她从银行取出了所有积蓄,买了张去里约热内卢的单程票I'd like a single ticket to Dover.我要一张去多佛的单程票How much is the single fare?单程票多少钱?We also offer a variety of tickets including one-way, ten-trip and round-trip tickets.我们还提供各种类型的车票:单程票、十次票、往返票。I got a single to Birmingham.我买了一张去伯明翰的单程票May I have a single to London, please.请给我一张去伦敦的单程票A single to Stratford, please.请给我一张去斯特拉特福的单程票I want a single ticket.我要一张单程票One return is often less expensive than buying two one-way tickets.一张往返票通常比购买两张单程票便宜。A single to Bath, please.请给我一张去巴斯的单程票




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