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词汇 预防措施
例句 It makes a world of difference whether precautions are taken or not.是否采取预防措施是大不一样的。A few simple precautions can be taken, for example ensuring that desks are the right height.可以采取一些简单的预防措施,比如确保桌子的高度合适。We are aware of the potential problems and have taken every precaution to avoid them.我们已经意识到潜在的问题,并采取了全面的预防措施来规避这些问题。The tragedy woke us up to the need for safety precautions.这一悲剧使我们认识到必需采取安全预防措施Every home owner should take precautions against fire.每个房主都应采取预防措施,防止火灾发生。They are taking precautionary measures to safeguard their forces from the effects of chemical weapons.他们正采取预防措施保护其军队免受化学武器的伤害。It's just a precaution.这只是预防措施The beaches were closed as a precautionary measure.作为预防措施,海滩被关闭了。Taking a few simple precautions will lessen your risk of injury.采取一些简单的预防措施将会减少你受伤的风险。Extra safety precautions are essential.额外安全预防措施至关重要。We are aware of the potential problems and have taken every precaution.我们已意识到潜在的问题,并采取了全面的预防措施Schools must take preventative measures so that this type of tragedy never happens again.学校必须采取预防措施,杜绝这种悲剧再次发生。While travelling abroad, take preventive measures to avoid illness.在国外旅行时,要采取预防措施以免患病。Millions of travellers fail to take even the most elementary of precautions.上百万的旅行者甚至没有采取最基本的预防措施The country is facing famine, and the authorities are doing little to prevent it.国家面临着饥荒,而当局却几乎不采取任何预防措施You should take proper precautions as a matter of course. 你应该按常规采取适当的预防措施The precaution is quite inefficacious.这种预防措施没什么效果。The government had taken elaborate precautions to crush any resistance.政府采取了周密的预防措施来镇压任何抵抗。The government boosted security precautions.政府加强保安预防措施People accused the ministry of failing to take adequate preventive measures.人们谴责该政府部门未能采取足够的预防措施Condoms are a necessary precaution.避孕套是一种必要的预防措施The banks take precautions to prevent any attempts at industrial espionage while confidential documents are on the premises.银行里都有机密文件,所以他们采取预防措施以防任何商业间谍活动。The local administration says the curfew is a precautionary measure.地方当局说宵禁是一种预防措施We take every precaution to avoid accidents.我们采取一切预防措施避免事故发生。To state the obvious, if we don't take precautions now, we'll suffer for it later.说句明摆着的话,如果我们现在不采取预防措施,以后会吃苦头的。I trust that from now on you will take greater precautions.我希望从现在开始你会采取更好的预防措施Staff are expected to take reasonable precautions for their own safety.希望员工为了自身安全而采取合理的预防措施As a safeguard, you should always carry a torch in your car.作为预防措施,你应该总是在车里放个手电筒。The town took anticipatory measures to prevent a flood.该镇采取了预防措施防止洪水泛滥。We take every precaution to ensure your safety.我们采取一切预防措施以确保你的安全。You'll be safe if you observe certain basic precautions.如果遵守一些基本的预防措施,你就不会有危险。Look to your laurels and take every possible precaution to ensure you're not being tricked.要防范你的对手,采取一切可能的预防措施确保你不会上当。Some dentists are convinced that the addition of fluoride in water is ineffective as a prophylactic treatment.有些牙医坚信在水中加氟化物不是有效的预防措施All this woke the local government to the need for safety precautions.所有这些使当地政府认识到必须采取安全预防措施




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