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He was kept under inhumane conditions.他的关押环境惨无人道。He had been horrifically assaulted before he died.他死前曾遭到惨无人道的殴打。The monument stands as a chilling reminder of man's inhumanity to man.纪念碑耸立着,寒气逼人,提醒着人们人类对自己同类的惨无人道。A statement on Amman Radio spoke of bestial aggression and a horrible massacre.安曼广播电台播出的一则声明提及了野蛮入侵和惨无人道的屠杀事件。The hostages were subjected to extreme brutality.那些人质遭受惨无人道的对待。Conditions for prisoners were described as inhumane.犯人所处的环境被描述为惨无人道。The prisoners endured awful cruelties.囚徒忍受着惨无人道的虐待。 |