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词汇 音信
例句 The equipment sent out a regular high-pitched signal.这个设备发出有规律的高音信号。A fortnight passed and we still hadn't heard from them.两个星期过去了,我们仍然没有他们的音信I hadn't heard from him for years and was glad to find him still in the land of the living.多年没有音信,发现他还活着,我真是高兴。Several weeks went past before we heard from her.几个星期后我们才得到她的音信A year elapsed before I heard from him again.一年过后我才又听到他的音信I'm worried sick about Sandy. I haven't heard from her for days.我担心死桑迪了,好几天没有她的音信All I get is a busy signal when I dial his number.我给他拨电话只能听到占线的忙音信号。Everyone came to the wedding, including a distant cousin no one had heard from in years.所有人都参加了婚礼,包括一位多年没有音信的远亲。




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