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词汇 靴子
例句 Calista Flockhart looks sweller than ever as she steps out in a mini dress and boots.卡莉斯塔·弗洛克哈特穿着迷你裙和靴子走出来,看起来比任何时候都要时髦。I need some boots that come up to my knees.我需要几双高度达到我的膝盖的靴子A vital witness came forward to say that she saw Tanner wearing the boots.一位非常重要的证人站出来说她看见坦纳穿着那双靴子She was wearing a pair of dramatic black knee-high boots.她穿了一双引人注目的齐膝高的黑靴子Mark was kitted up in skis, boots, and equipment.马克配备了滑雪板、靴子和器材。His boots clattered on the stairs.他的靴子踏在楼梯上噔噔作响。You can adjust the width of the boot to get a better fit.你可以调整靴子的宽度使其更合脚。Their boots crunched loudly on the frozen snow.他们的靴子踩在冰冻的雪上发出嘎吱嘎吱的响声。Justine shucked off her boots and socks.贾丝廷脱掉了靴子和袜子。These boots are padded with shock-resistant foam.这些靴子加了防震泡沫垫。My boots were punished by our long trek in the mountains.我的靴子因为我们在山中漫长的徒步而受损。Her boots are made of calfskin.她的靴子是用小牛皮做的。She kicked at the dirt with the toe of her scuffed boot.她用磨损了的靴子尖踢着烂泥。They came into the front hall, stamping their boots and jumping up and down to knock the snow off.他们进入了前厅,跺着靴子,蹦跳着抖掉身上的雪。You should bring a waterproof jacket and strong boots in case of wet weather.你应带防水外套和结实的靴子,以防下雨。My boots squeaked a little as I walked.我走路时靴子有点儿嘎吱嘎吱响。I wore serviceable boots.我穿著耐穿的靴子Their boots made a great clatter as they came in.他们进来时,靴子发出咔嗒咔嗒的响声。Don't expect these types of boot to take the punishment that gardening will give them.不要指望能穿着这类靴子去干园艺活儿,它们没那么耐穿耐磨。I heard the scrape of a boot on the pavement.我听到靴子在人行道上发出的刮擦声。He blacked his boots with polish.他给靴子打上黑色鞋油。Some of the boots you see here are seconds.这儿你看到的有些靴子是等外品。He kicked it shut with the heel of his boot.他用靴子的后跟将它踢上。His hobnail boots clattered on the stone floor.他那双钉了铁掌的靴子在石地板上嗒嗒响。Heavy boots aren't very practical for running.厚重的靴子不太适合跑步。Take your boots off outside if they're muddy.要是你的靴子上都是泥,就脱在门外吧。The boots may be nice, but they're worthless if they don't fit you.这双靴子可能不错,但如果不合脚,就没用。My hands, boots and trousers were plastered with mud.我的双手、靴子和裤子上都沾满了泥巴。Don't come in here with those mucky boots on.不要穿着那双脏靴子进来。But no matter how good your boots are, take along an extra pair of socks.但是不管靴子有多好,都应该多带一双袜子。Scrape the mud off your boots before you come inside.进来之前把靴子上的泥擦掉。His boots sank deep into the mud.他的靴子深深地陷进了泥里。She began to unlace her boots.她开始解开靴子上的带子。I managed to get the mud off my boots.我设法弄掉了靴子上的泥。Don't expect these boots to take the punishment that gardening will give them.不要指望能穿着这种靴子去干园艺活儿,它们没那么耐磨。Her boots scrunched in the snow.她的靴子在雪地里喀嚓喀嚓地响。The lining of the boot molds itself to the shape of your foot.靴子的衬里会逐渐和脚形吻合。She scraped the mud off her boots.她把靴子上的那层泥土刮掉。Hire of skis, boots and clothing, are all available.滑雪板、靴子和衣服都能租到。He tucked his jeans neatly into his boots.他利落地把牛仔裤裤腿塞进靴子里。




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