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词汇 面试
例句 Interviewers attempted with baited questions to worm out his intentions.面试人员试图用巧妙的问题转弯抹角地探出他的意图。He steeled himself for the interview.他铁下心来准备面试He turned up for the interview very badly dressed.他去面试的时候衣着不整。Everyone knew who was going to get the job from the start - the interviews were just a charade.大家从一开始就知道谁会得到这份工作——面试不过是做个样子而已。Art Howe asked him to come for an interview for the coaching job, and the two men hit it off immediately.阿特·豪叫他来参加教练这份工作的面试,两人一拍即合。She sailed through the first interview.她顺利通过了第一次面试Some people find interview situations very intimidating.有些人认为面试的环境很吓人。I was late for the job interview and that blew it for me. 面试迟到了,因此没得到那份工作。An interview is a very artificial situation.面试是极不自然的场合。We've interviewed a woman for the job already, but she wasn't very well qualified.我们已经为这个职位面试了一位女士,但她不是非常够格。She hoped there would be time to freshen up before the interview.她希望面试前有时间梳洗一下。We're interviewing six candidates for the job.为了这份工作,我们要面试六个候选人。The interview reduced him to a nervous wreck.面试使他精神趋于崩溃。The day of his interview was drawing near.面试的日子就要到了。Each applicant is asked to supply a portfolio of work at interview.每名求职者在面试时必须提供自己的作品集。You will really have to sell yourself at the interview to get that job.为得到工作,你必须在面试时全力推销自己。There were two interviewers and they began by asking me questions about my last job.给我面试的有两个人,他们一开始就问我有关上一份工作的事情。He got hung up on the details. She was all hung - up before the interview.他对细节很耽心。面试之前她焦躁不安。They auditioned several girls for the role.他们为这个角色面试了好几个女孩。Which of the candidates shall we interview next?我们接下来要面试哪个应聘者?The team appraisal is a logical extension of the individual appraisal interview.团队评估是个人评估面试的合理延伸。I answered an advertisement in the Bookseller and was called in for an interview the following week.我应征了《书商》上的一个广告,第二周被叫去面试The interview showed her as a self-assured and mature student.面试显示出她是个自信成熟的学生。I refer to your recent application and interview and am pleased to offer you the post of editor.参考了你最近的申请和面试表现,我很乐于请你担任编辑一职。Don't panic and talk too much in the interview or you'll really blow it.面试时不要慌,而且不要谈得太多,否则你会把事搞砸的。He has interviewed with many companies, but he still hasn't found a job.他参加了很多家公司的面试,但仍然没有找到工作。The job interview was a nerve-racking experience.工作面试是让人伤脑筋的经历。After many job applications and interviews, Beth Ann finally got lucky.经过多次的求职申请和面试,贝丝・安终于成了幸运儿。We interviewed many available candidates for the job.我们面试了许多随时可以上岗的应聘者。She is/feels nervous about her job interview.她对自己的工作面试感到焦虑不安。It's really stressful when you know that your whole future may be riding on this one interview.当你知道你的全部前途可能就取决于这一次面试时,可真叫人感到紧张。I got the interview through the good offices of a former classmate.在一位老同学的大力帮助下,我得到了这次面试的机会。We're about to start the second round of interviews for the post.我们正准备开始这个职位的第二轮面试After the first set of interviews, we will draw up a shortlist of candidates we wish to interview a second time.第一轮面试之后,我们会把我们想再次面试的应征者列一个决选名单。He was creeping up to the interviewer, trying to look good.他想讨好面试的主考人,争取到好的印象。If I was auditioning for a vocalist, let me put it this way, he wouldn't get to sing in my band.如果我来面试歌手的话,请允许我这样说,他不会进入我的乐团来唱歌的。It is counter-productive to address an interviewee in patronizing tones.以盛气凌人的语气同面试者讲话将会适得其反。Ask a friend to run through a mock interview with you.让朋友和你模拟一次面试I tried to psych myself up before the interview.我尽量在面试前作好思想准备。Three applicants have been shortlisted and will be invited for interview next week.三名申请人被列入最终候选人名单,他们将获邀参加下周的面试




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