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词汇 anxieties
例句 Our anxieties can also be controlled by isolating thoughts, feelings and memories.我们也可以通过将一些想法、感情与记忆分开考虑以控制焦虑情绪。She tried to explain about her fears and anxieties.她试图解释她的担心和焦虑。Dreams often contain unacknowledged fears and anxieties.梦中常常出现被忽视了的恐惧和焦虑。After the accident, she was prey to all kinds of anxieties.事故发生后,她被各种焦虑困扰。There are anxieties over the effects of unemployment.对于失业后果有种种担忧。Their anxieties were not wholly eased.他们的焦虑没有完全消除。Many of his films express the fears and anxieties of the post-war years.他的许多电影表达了战后人们的恐惧与不安心理。They all encouraged her to talk out her anxieties.他们都鼓励她把心中的烦恼说出来。The mothers were able to share their anxieties with each other.母亲们能够相互分担焦虑。She has anxieties and fears, like anyone else in this imperfect world.就像这个不完美的世界中的其他人一样,她心怀忧虑和恐惧。They were encouraged to express their fears and anxieties.鼓励他们说出恐惧和不安。He had messed up enough of these occasions to give rise to some anxieties.他把这些场合搞得一团糟,引起了一些忧虑。It can help if you discuss your anxieties with someone.与别人谈谈自己的忧虑会有帮助的。Many editorials express their anxieties about the economic chaos in the country.许多社论对该国经济的混乱状况表示忧虑。She discussed her anxieties with her sister.她对姐姐讲了自己的顾虑。Many cares and anxieties occupied his mind.他满腹心事,忧虑重重。After listening to his advice she had no more anxieties.听了他的忠告,她不再焦虑。Some people eat for comfort, to relieve their anxieties.有些人进食是为了寻找安慰,缓解焦虑。Childhood problems and anxieties have a habit of sorting themselves out.儿童期的一些问题和焦虑症状一般都会自己好起来。That's the least of my anxieties.那是我最不担心的事。Children pick up on our worries and anxieties.孩子们觉察得到我们的焦虑。A few anxieties surfaced during the meeting.几件令人焦虑的事在会议期间浮现出来。We try not to communicate our anxieties to the children.我们尽量不把我们的焦虑告诉孩子们。Many of my patients’ anxieties stem from experiences in their childhood.我的许多病人的焦虑心情都源于他们童年的经历。The Professor said that deep sleep allowed suppressed anxieties to surface.教授说深度睡眠可以使压抑的焦虑情绪得以释放。Sibling rivalry often causes parents anxieties.手足之争常让父母忧心忡忡。A therapist can encourage patients to express their anxieties.治疗专家能鼓励病人说出心中的焦虑。




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