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词汇 ants
例句 The bear scrunched the ants beneath its paws.熊用爪嚓嚓地把蚂蚁碾死。The lawn was crawling with ants.草坪上爬满了蚂蚁。Each ant's nest has its own odor that ants use to recognize it.每个蚁穴都有独特的气味,蚂蚁就是通过这种气味来辨认蚁穴的。The table was crawling with ants.桌上爬满了蚂蚁。These ants can demolish large areas of forest.这些蚂蚁会把大片森林毁掉。Every so often the kitchen would be invaded by ants.厨房常常会遭到大批蚂蚁的进犯。Bees and ants are social insects.蜜蜂和蚂蚁是群居昆虫。Out of beams and cracks came troops of beetles, ants and spiders.从横梁上和裂缝里爬出来了一群群甲虫、蚂蚁和蜘蛛。An army of ants swarmed over the sand-hill.一大群蚂蚁在沙丘上爬动。Wherever army ants go, they leave a chemical trail for other ants to follow.行军蚁所到之处都会留下化学痕迹以便让其他蚂蚁追随。There are also drone ants and worker ants in colonies.雄蜂蚁和工蜂蚁也在蚁群里。The floor was crawling with ants.地板上爬满了蚂蚁。She lifted up the rock and found ants crawling underneath.她搬起石头,发现下面有蚂蚁爬来爬去。We had to fumigate our apartment to get rid of the ants.我们不得不烟熏我们的公寓房间以消灭蚂蚁。Social insects, such as ants, live in large colonies.蚂蚁之类的群居昆虫大量聚居在一起。We found a colony of ants under the steps.我们在台阶下发现一群蚂蚁。Insects such as ants have a highly effective system of communication.蚂蚁等昆虫都有高效的交流系统。Out of beams and cracks came troops of beetles, ants, and spiders.从横梁和裂缝里爬出了一群群甲虫、蚂蚁和蜘蛛。These ants can tolerate temperatures that would kill other species.这些蚂蚁能够忍受可以导致其他物种死亡的高温。The ants milk this sugary liquid from the aphids.蚂蚁喜欢吸食蚜虫分泌的甜液。The way ants work is an object lesson in order and organization.蚂蚁的工作方式是有秩序和有条理的范例。Female ants release pheromones from their scent glands.雌蚁的臭腺中能释放出信息素。The ants, which have been previously catalogued, live in the mangrove swamps of northern Australia.这种蚂蚁此前有过详细记录,生活在澳大利亚北部的红树林沼泽地区。Some ants can give you a nasty nip.一些蚂蚁会咬得你很疼。




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