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词汇 非得
例句 If you must make personal phone calls at work, please keep them short.如果你工作时非得打私人电话不可,就请简短些。An open ticket means you are not tied to returning on a particular day.未注明往返日期的机票意味着你不一定非得某一天回来。Nev! Must you be quite so crude?尼夫!你非得那么粗俗吗?I've never felt the necessity to rely on such a strict rule.我从不觉得非得遵循如此严格的规定。Why do you always have to have the last word? 为什么总是非得你来最后下结论?I hate having to do this. = I hate it when I have to do this.我讨厌非得做这件事。Honestly, Nev! Must you be quite so crude!.哎呀,内夫! 你就非得如此粗俗吗!The pace of change means that equipment has to be constantly replaced.这种变化速度意味着设备非得经常更新不可。Why do you leave it until the last possible moment before getting ready?你为什么非得等到准备就绪前的最后一刻呢?I have to vent my spleen on someone.非得找个人出出气。If it comes to the crunch and you and your husband do split up, you can always stay with us.如果到最后关头,你和你丈夫非得离婚,你总还可以和我们住在一起。Why do I have to take all these pills?我为什么非得服下所有这些药丸呢?You don't need to come if you don't want to.要是你不想来,不一定非得来。You can smoke if you must, but please do it outdoors.要是你非得抽烟也可以,不过请到外面去抽。Do you have to be so awkward about everything?非得事事闹别扭不可吗?It doesn't take a rocket scientist to make a rock record.制作摇滚唱片并不要求你非得绝顶聪明。Do you always have to drag up the past?非得总提起过去的事吗?Must you always be so rude?!非得老是这么无礼吗?!Every word had to be corkscrewed out of him.字字句句都非得设法从他口里套出来不可。Why in God's name did you have to tell her?为什么你非得告诉她呢?You don't actually need to be a member to attend the event.你不必非得是会员才能参加这个活动。No billets shall be granted upon any of the inhabitants without their consent.非得到居民同意,不得向他们发出为军人提供膳宿的命令。The little girl had to take long steps to keep step with her father.小女孩非得跨大步才能跟上父亲。Must you drag up that old argument?非得提起旧日的那场争论吗?Do you kids have to make such a terrible racket?你们这些孩子非得这样大吵大闹不可吗?She is still very weak and has to be wrapped in cotton wool.她身体尚弱,非得悉心照护不可。The body that turns men on doesn't have to be perfect.并不是非得完美无瑕的身体才能激发男人的性欲。I felt unwell, but I wasn't so badly off that I had to stay home from work.我感觉身体不太舒服,但还没严重到非得在家休息的程度Until we get a better answer, we will have to live with not knowing for sure.非得到更好的答复,否则我们只能继续存疑。There is a bottom deck though, so you're not bound to sit on top.不过还有一个底舱,所以你不一定非得坐在顶层。Must you persist in making that noise?难道你非得要继续制造那种噪声吗?Do I really have to schlep all that junk down to the cellar?我真的非得把所有那些废旧杂物弄到地下室去吗?Provided you didn't try to make sense of it, it sounded beautiful.只要不非得弄懂它的意思,它听上去还是很美的。It took a lot of chutzpah to talk to your boss like that.跟老板说那样的话脸皮非得要厚才行。We shall peg along, day by day.我们非得日复一日苦干不可。Ministers are under no obligation to follow the committee's recommendations.部长不必非得听从委员会的建议。Do you have to make a federal case out of it every time I come home late?每次我回家晚了,你都非得这么小题大做吗?Do you have to make so much noise?非得要弄出那么大的响声吗?You don't have to come with us. It was just a thought.你不一定非得跟我们来,这只是一个建议。Must you rush around without looking where you're going?非得毫无目标地四处乱跑吗?




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