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词汇 非同寻常
例句 There were several things about that evening that marked it out as very unusual.那一晚因几件事情显得非同寻常Covering an Olympics is an extraordinary undertaking for any television company.报道奥运会对任何一家电视公司来说都是非同寻常的任务。She has an unusual take on life.她对生活有非同寻常的看法。The accomplishments of the past year have been extraordinary.过去一年的成就非同寻常For churches not normally noted for their ability to act in unison, today's unprecedented move was all the more remarkable.对于通常无法统一行动的各个教会来说,今天这一前所未有的举动无疑更加非同寻常The fine craftsmanship of the table is remarkable.这张桌子的精细工艺非同寻常The firemen showed exceptional bravery.消防队员们表现出非同寻常的勇敢。Everyone had some tale to tell about the very hot summer.关于这个极为炎热的苦夏,人人都有一番非同寻常的经历可陈述。He came to me one day with an extraordinary proposition.他有一天来找我,提出了一个非同寻常的建议。An extraordinary scene met our eyes as we entered the room.我们进屋时看到了非同寻常的一幕。Generations of readers have delighted in his wonderful powers of invention.一代又一代的读者都喜欢他非同寻常的创造力。It was quite a party. You've never seen such a rogues' gallery in your life.那是一次非同寻常的社交聚会。谁也未曾见到过那么些丑类都凑在一起。Such responsiveness to public pressure is extraordinary.面对公众压力作出如此迅速的反应非同寻常You're in a very unusual situation.你的处境非同寻常Several different styles of music come together in an unusual amalgam.几种不同风格的音乐非同寻常地融合在一起。An extraordinary concatenation of factors led to his victory.一连串非同寻常的因素促成了他的胜利。He is a man of intelligence far above the ordinary.他是个智力非同寻常的人。His decision to hold talks is extraordinary because it could mean the real end of the war.他作出举行谈判的决定非同寻常,因为这可能意味着战争真的要结束了。The boy's knowledge was out of the ordinary.这个男孩儿掌握的知识非同寻常The Chancellor, by his unusual statement, has put his head on the block.这位总理冒着丢乌纱帽的风险发表了一份非同寻常的声明。The company has an unusually high proportion of young people at the top.公司高层中年轻人的比例高得非同寻常He made one of the most remarkable comebacks in modern politics.他创造了现代政坛最非同寻常的一次东山再起。He has tremendous business instincts.他有着非同寻常的做生意的直觉。The unusual designs were probably imported from Iran.非同寻常的设计可能来自伊朗。Although unusual, the Governor's action was constitutionally quite correct.州长的所作所为尽管非同寻常,但从宪法的角度来看,还是相当正确的。The spate of storms and hurricanes in recent years could be a statistical quirk.从统计数字上看,近些年来暴风雨和飓风的频发非同寻常The storm that destroyed the house was a freak of nature.摧毁房屋的那场暴风雨非同寻常I grew up in rather unusual circumstances.我在非同寻常的环境下长大。I think it's unreal that he survived the accident.我觉得他在这场事故中幸存下来非同寻常




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