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词汇 静观
例句 Due to the blizzard, we had to sit tight at the airport for a day.由于暴风雪来袭,我们不得不在机场耽搁一天,静观事态的发展。We'll just have to watch and see what happens.我们只好静观事态的发展。She is a good enough tactician to wait and see what the election brings.她是个很有谋略的战术家,懂得静观选举的结果。Several local news programs reported the rumor, but the city newspaper took the high road and waited to see if anyone could confirm the story.当地几个电视新闻节目报道了这个谣传,但该市报业媒体体现出了应有的职业道德,静观是否有人能够确认这一报道。We're waiting to see how things develop before we evacuate anyone.我们在疏散人们之前在静观情况如何发展。This isn't a good time to sell a house. Let's just sit tight and see if the market improves.目前不是售房的好时机。我们不妨静观市场情况,看是否会好转。I love just watching the world go by.我喜欢静观周围发生的事情。Watch trends and react appropriately.静观形势,随机应变。They could only wait and see what was going to happen.他们只能静观事态的发展。Let's just sit tight and see what the market does in the next week or two.咱们不妨坐下来静观市场在今后一两个星期内会有什么变化。He would sit quietly and watch what was happening.他愿意静观事态发展。




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