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词汇 为乐
例句 He seemed to take great delight in embarrassing me.他似乎以让我难堪为乐Chris takes great delight in teasing his sister.克里斯以取笑妹妹为乐She delights in teasing her younger sister.她以逗弄妹妹为乐He delights in meeting new people.他以结识新人为乐Many people believe that killing animals for sport is morally wrong.许多人认为以捕杀动物为乐是不道德的。The cruel emperor delighted in the infliction of pain.这残忍的皇帝以使人痛苦为乐He gets his kicks bossing people around.他以把别人差来遣去为乐She took relish in showing her friends her jewelry.她以向朋友炫示自己的珠宝首饰为乐She was a monster. For one thing, she really enjoyed cruelty.她是个恶魔。一方面,她确实以残忍为乐I reckon you need to be into masochism to run marathons.我觉得那些喜欢自虐的人才会以跑马拉松为乐He was never able to relax until he took up fishing.直到他开始以钓鱼为乐,他才真正得到了轻松的休息。He delights in corresponding with his old students.他以与从前的学生通信为乐She takes delight in teasing her younger sister.她以逗弄妹妹为乐The presenters and audience ripped her apart, enjoying a laugh at her expense.主持人和听众都公开批评她,并以取笑她为乐He takes a perverse delight in irritating people.他以激怒他人为乐She took a malicious pleasure in hurting others.她以恶意伤人为乐Kevin seems to enjoy being nasty to his sisters.凯文好像以对姊妹们发脾气为乐She was perversely pleased to be causing trouble.她以制造麻烦为乐Her attackers seemed to take special pleasure in her humiliation.袭击她的人似乎专以看她受辱为乐He got his kicks from inflicting pain on others.他以给别人造成痛苦为乐We enjoy ourselves by working. We shouldn't get any fun out of grasshoppering.我们从工作中得到乐趣。我们不应以一再跳槽为乐Journalists have had a field day with this scandal.记者们以报道这桩丑闻为乐How could anyone find pleasure in hunting and killing this beautiful creature?.怎么会有人以猎杀这种美丽的动物为乐呢?Haig took obvious delight in proving his critics wrong.黑格显然以证明他的批评者是错误的为乐He was there, watching her, enjoying her panic, feasting on her pain.他在那儿冷眼旁观,享受她的惊恐,以她的痛苦为乐He seems to enjoy shocking people.他好像以冒犯别人为乐The principal was a sadistic man who enjoyed tormenting his students.校长是个施虐狂,他以折磨学生为乐This is a man who took pleasure in torture and humiliation.他是一个以折磨和羞辱别人为乐的人。Some people delight in disagreeing with everything anyone else says.有些人以在每件事上同别人执拗为乐She took evident delight in frightening the children with horror stories.很明显她以讲恐怖故事吓唬孩子为乐He was a nasty man who mistreated people for kicks.他是个恶人,以虐待别人为乐




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