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词汇 需要做
例句 We learned what to do in those all-important few minutes after an accident occurs.我们知道在事故发生后至关重要的几分钟内需要做些什么事情。Three of my veins had furred up and I needed a triple bypass.我有三条静脉出现了堵塞,需要做个三支搭桥手术。All that she would have to do was warm up the pudding.她所需要做的就是把布丁加热。Painting a room involves a lot of prep.粉刷房间需要做许多准备工作。We need to do more to help the poorer members of our society.我们需要做更多事来帮助我们社会的贫困人员。I felt the need to do something.我觉得需要做些事。She's going to need a bone graft.需要做骨移植手术。He'll need an operation on the injured leg.他的伤腿需要做手术。The landlord may be justified in charging for any additional work that needs to be done.也许房东对需要做的额外事情收费是合情合理的。He never stands aside when there's something that needs doing.有事情需要做时,他从来不袖手旁观。Please bear with me a second, as the exigencies of our situation are too many to explain.请容忍我一下,因为目前我们急需要做的事情太多了有点说不清。The occasion called for a special prayer, and its omission was inexcusable.这种场合需要做一个特别的祷告,如果忘了的话将是不可原谅的错误。They lack the spine to do what needs to be done.他们缺乏勇气去完成需要做的事情。The festival involves a lot of preparation.节日需要做很多准备工作。Good customer relations require courtesy, professionalism and effective response.良好的客户关系需要做到礼貌、专业,并提供有效的回复。To carry out accurate market research requires a huge amount of work.进行精确的市场研究需要做大量的工作。She needed emergency surgery after the accident.事故发生后,她需要做急救手术。An awful lot of advance preparation must have gone into this summit.这次峰会需要做大量的事先准备工作。The subject requires some exposition.这一主题还需要做些讲解。He needs to have an operation for a stress fracture in his foot.他的足部应力骨折,需要做手术。This surgery requires general anesthesia.这个手术需要做全身麻醉。I needed to do it for my own personal esteem.为了自尊,我需要做这件事。Further research is needed.需要做进一步的研究。The motor wants a tune-up.这台发动机需要做一下微调保养。The project will require some difficult decision-making.这个项目需要做出一些困难的决定。Most of the discussion was on what needed to be done now as we transitioned from the security issues to the challenging economic issues.随着我们由安全议题转向具有挑战性的经济议题,讨论最多的就是目前需要做些什么。The work involves preparing case files and attending court.需要做的工作包括整理案件档和出庭。She needed plastic surgery after the accident.遭遇了那场事故后,她需要做整形手术。The company announced that the initial tests look promising, but they hastened to add that there is still much more testing to be done.公司宣布说初期测试预示前途光明,但马上又补充说还需要做更多的测试。He has some important choices to make.需要做出一些重要的抉择。Tennis requires a lot of short sharp movements.打网球需要做大量快速而剧烈的动作。He needed surgery to cure a troublesome back injury.需要做手术来治好烦人的背伤。I need to have a root canal.需要做根管治疗。After the accident, she needed extensive plastic surgery to her face.事故后她脸部需要做大面积的整形手术。There's no need to do anything for the while.这段时间不需要做任何事情。Further validation is needed before the findings are published.研究成果在发表前,需要做进一步的验证。What's required is a complete reorganization of the system.需要做的是彻底整顿整个系统。We need to make enough soup to serve eight people.我们需要做够八人喝的汤。The boy needs a life-saving transplant operation.这个男孩需要做移植手术来保命。You'll need to make wise investments if you want get the most out of your money.如果想获得最大回报,你需要做出明智的投资。




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